pub type AtomicCell<T, A> = AtomicCell<UnderlyingMarker<T>, StorageMarker<A>>;
Expand description

A thread-safe mutable memory location.

This type is equivalent to Cell, except it can also be shared among multiple threads.

Operations on AtomicCells use atomic instructions with Acquire ordering for loads and Release ordering for stores. Choice of A selects what atomic storage and instructions are used.


All functions will panic if T cannot be supported by A.


Creates a new atomic cell initialized with val.

use atomic_cell::generic::AtomicCell;
use std::sync::atomic::AtomicU32;

let a = AtomicCell::<_, AtomicU32>::new(7);

Consumes the atomic and returns the contained value.

use atomic_cell::generic::AtomicCell;
use std::sync::atomic::AtomicU32;

let a = AtomicCell::<_, AtomicU32>::new(7);
let v = a.into_inner();

assert_eq!(v, 7);

Returns a mutable reference to contained data.

This is safe because the mutable reference guarantees that no other threads are concurrently accessing the atomic data.

use atomic_cell::generic::AtomicCell;
use std::num::NonZeroU32;
use std::sync::atomic::AtomicU32;

let mut a = AtomicCell::<_, AtomicU32>::new(NonZeroU32::new(7));
assert_eq!(*a.get_mut(), NonZeroU32::new(7));
*a.get_mut() = NonZeroU32::new(12);
assert_eq!(a.load(), NonZeroU32::new(12));

Stores val into the atomic cell.

use atomic_cell::generic::AtomicCell;
use std::sync::atomic::AtomicU32;

let a = AtomicCell::<_, AtomicU32>::new(7);

assert_eq!(a.load(), 7);;
assert_eq!(a.load(), 8);

Load a raw value from the the atomic cell. These raw values are not guaranteed to be safe to transmute, but do have a guarantee of byte equivalency to a previously safe value been safe to transmute at one point. By the time these values are returned, they are no longer safe (e.g. if the value is a pointer, the memory pointed to may already be freed).

use atomic_cell::generic::AtomicCell;
use std::sync::atomic::AtomicU32;

struct NoCopy(u32);

let a = AtomicCell::<_, AtomicU32>::new(NoCopy(7));

assert_eq!(a.load_raw(), 7);

Stores val into the atomic cell and returns the previous value.

use atomic_cell::generic::AtomicCell;
use std::sync::atomic::AtomicU32;

let a = AtomicCell::<_, AtomicU32>::new(7);

assert_eq!(a.load(), 7);
assert_eq!(a.swap(8), 7);
assert_eq!(a.load(), 8);

Get a raw copy of a value (useful for compare_update_raw).

use atomic_cell::generic::AtomicCell;
use std::num::NonZeroU32;
use std::sync::atomic::AtomicU32;

assert_eq!(AtomicCell::<_, AtomicU32>::get_raw(7).1, 7);
    AtomicCell::<Option<NonZeroU32>, AtomicU32>::get_raw(None).1,
    AtomicCell::<_, AtomicU32>::get_raw(NonZeroU32::new(5)).1,

The return value is a result indicating whether the new value was written. On success, this contains the previous value and is guaranteed to be equal to current. On failure, this contains new and the value currently stored in `Raw

If WEAK is set, this function is allowed to spuriously fail even when the comparison succeeds, which can result in more efficient code on some platforms. The return value is a result indicating whether the new value was written and containing the previous value.

Tries to swap out the value in the cell for one provided by CompareUpdate.

First, updater.initial() is called, and the returned value is attempted to be exchanged into the cell. If it fails for any reason (e.g. it has been changed from other threads in the meantime), CompareUpdate::retry will be called to enable updates to the to-be-stored value between attempts. retry may return Err(_) to signal that the update attempt should be aborted.

When the attempt to store eventually succeeds, CompareUpdate::finalize will be called and the result returned.

The Current type is $a::Underlying. There are no special restrictions on the raw values returned by CompareUpdate::initial. The raw value passed to CompareUpdate::retry is the most recently read raw value from the cell. These raw values are not guaranteed to be safe to transmute (unless T is Copy), but do have a guarantee of byte equivalency to a previously safe value been safe to transmute at one point. By the time these values are passed to f, they may no longer safe (e.g. if the value is a pointer, the memory pointed to may already be freed).

use atomic_cell::AtomicCell;
use std::sync::atomic::AtomicU32;

let a = AtomicCell::<_, AtomicU32>::new(7);

let v: Result<_, ()> = a.compare_update_raw::<_, true>((
    (),      // No retry data
    7,       // The expected current raw value
    8,       // The initial value to try to swap in
    |(), _raw, _val| Ok((
        (),  // No retry data
        14,  // Value to-be-swapped-in on retries
assert_eq!(v, Ok(7));    // The swapped value
assert_eq!(a.load(), 8);

let v = a.compare_update_raw::<_, true>((
    "hello", // Arbitrary retry data
    5,                              // Cell contains `8`, so passing `5` will result in at least 1 closure invocation
    |c, raw, _val| match (c, raw) {
        // The cell contains an 8, not a 5, so now let's fail
        ("hello", 8) => Err("arbitrary error"),
        (c, v) => panic!("unexpected value ({}, {})", c, v),
assert_eq!(v, Err("arbitrary error"));
assert_eq!(a.load(), 8);

T::drop can be avoided quite easily.

use atomic_cell::AtomicCell;
use std::mem::drop;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicPtr, AtomicUsize, Ordering::Relaxed};

static DROPPED: AtomicUsize = AtomicUsize::new(0);
struct Dropper(u32);
impl Drop for Dropper {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        DROPPED.fetch_add(1, Relaxed);

let a = AtomicCell::<_, AtomicPtr<Dropper>>::new(Some(Box::new(Dropper(5))));
let raw_none = AtomicCell::<Option<Box<Dropper>>, AtomicPtr<Dropper>>::get_raw(None).1;

// Try (should fail) to swap out `None` while only allocating once
let v = Some(Box::new(Dropper(6)));
let v = a.compare_update_raw::<_, true>(((), raw_none, v, |(), raw: *mut Dropper, v| {
    if raw == raw_none {
        Ok(((), v))      // Keep trying with `v`
    } else {
        Err(v)           // Abort, saving the data

// Retreive the allocation from the error
let v = v.expect_err("compare_update_raw should have aborted");

// Drop the value in the cell
assert_eq!(DROPPED.load(Relaxed), 0);;
assert_eq!(DROPPED.load(Relaxed), 1);

// Try to swap again, using the same allocation
let v = a.compare_update_raw::<_, true>(((), raw_none, v, |(), raw, v| {
    if raw == raw_none {
        Ok(((), v))
    } else {
let v = v.expect("compare_update_raw should have succeeded");

assert_eq!(DROPPED.load(Relaxed), 1);
assert_eq!(DROPPED.load(Relaxed), 2);

Takes the value of the atomic cell, leaving Default::default() in its place.

use atomic_cell::generic::AtomicCell;
use std::sync::atomic::AtomicU32;

let a = AtomicCell::<_, AtomicU32>::new(5);

assert_eq!(a.take(), 5);
assert_eq!(a.into_inner(), 0);

Load a value from the the atomic cell.

use atomic_cell::generic::AtomicCell;
use std::sync::atomic::AtomicU32;

let a = AtomicCell::<_, AtomicU32>::new(7);

assert_eq!(a.load(), 7);

Tries to swap out the value in the cell for one provided by CompareUpdate.

First, updater.initial() is called, and the returned value is attempted to be exchanged into the cell. If it fails for any reason (e.g. it has been changed from other threads in the meantime), CompareUpdate::retry will be called to enable updates to the to-be-stored value between attempts. retry may return Err(_) to signal that the update attempt should be aborted.

When the attempt to store eventually succeeds, CompareUpdate::finalize will be called and the result returned.

The Current type is T. There are no special restrictions on the values returned by CompareUpdate::initial. The value passed to CompareUpdate::retry is the most recently read value from the cell.

Fetches the value, and applies a function to it that returns an optional new value. Returns a Result of Ok(previous_value) if the function returned Some(_), else Err(previous_value).

Note: This may call the function multiple times if the value has been changed from other threads in the meantime, as long as the function returns Some(_), but the function will have been applied only once to the stored value.

use atomic_cell::macros::AtomicCell;
use std::sync::atomic::AtomicU32;

let a = AtomicCell::<_, AtomicU32>::new(7);

assert_eq!(a.fetch_update::<_, true>(|_| None), Err(7));
assert_eq!(a.fetch_update::<_, true>(|a| Some(a + 1)), Ok(7));
assert_eq!(a.fetch_update::<_, true>(|a| Some(a + 1)), Ok(8));
assert_eq!(a.load(), 9);

If the current value equals current, stores new into the atomic cell.

The return value is a result indicating whether the new value was written and containing the previous value. On success this value is guaranteed to be equal to current.

use atomic_cell::generic::AtomicCell;
use std::sync::atomic::AtomicU32;

let a = AtomicCell::<_, AtomicU32>::new(1);

assert_eq!(a.compare_exchange::<true>(2, 3), Err(1));
assert_eq!(a.load(), 1);

assert_eq!(a.compare_exchange::<true>(1, 2), Ok(1));
assert_eq!(a.load(), 2);

Trait Implementations

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more