pub trait AtatClient {
    fn send<A: AtatCmd<LEN>, const LEN: usize>(
        &mut self,
        cmd: &A
    ) -> Result<A::Response, Error>; fn peek_urc_with<URC: AtatUrc, F: FnOnce(URC::Response) -> bool>(
        &mut self,
        f: F
    ); fn check_response<A: AtatCmd<LEN>, const LEN: usize>(
        &mut self,
        cmd: &A
    ) -> Result<A::Response, Error>; fn get_mode(&self) -> Mode; fn reset(&mut self); fn send_retry<A: AtatCmd<LEN>, const LEN: usize>(
        &mut self,
        cmd: &A
    ) -> Result<A::Response, Error> { ... } fn check_urc<URC: AtatUrc>(&mut self) -> Option<URC::Response> { ... } }

Required methods

Send an AT command.

cmd must implement AtatCmd.

This function will block until a response is received, if in Timeout or Blocking mode. In Nonblocking mode, the send can be called until it no longer returns nb::Error::WouldBlock, or self.check_response(cmd) can be called, with the same result.

This function will also make sure that atleast self.config.cmd_cooldown has passed since the last response or URC has been received, to allow the slave AT device time to deliver URC’s.

Check if there are any responses enqueued from the ingress manager.

The function will return nb::Error::WouldBlock until a response or an error is available, or a timeout occurs and config.mode is Timeout.

This function is usually only called through send.

Get the configured mode of the client.

Options are:

  • NonBlocking
  • Blocking
  • Timeout

Reset the client, queues and ingress buffer, discarding any contents

Provided methods

Checks if there are any URC’s (Unsolicited Response Code) in queue from the ingress manager.


use atat::atat_derive::{AtatResp, AtatUrc};

#[derive(Clone, AtatResp)]
pub struct MessageWaitingIndication {
    #[at_arg(position = 0)]
    pub status: u8,
    #[at_arg(position = 1)]
    pub code: u8,

#[derive(Clone, AtatUrc)]
pub enum Urc {

// match client.check_urc::<Urc>() {
//     Some(Urc::MessageWaitingIndication(MessageWaitingIndication { status, code })) => {
//         // Do something to act on `+UMWI` URC
//     }
// }
