pub trait AsyncFnMut<'env, Args>: AsyncFnOnce<'env, Args> {
    // Required method
    async fn call_mut(&mut self, args: Args) -> Self::Output;
Expand description

The type implemented with this trait can be used multiple times with its states obtained by exclusive references.


Normally, 'env is used to express all referenced values outside the function and a HRTB to express any referenced value passed in as an argument.

A function caller returning generics...
use async_closure::{capture_lifetimes::AsyncFnMut, async_closure_mut};

// Here a caller requires a generic output.
async fn caller<'env, T, F>(mut f: F) -> (T, F)
where F: for<'any> AsyncFnMut<'env, (&'any str,), Output = T>
    let s = String::from("Hi ");
    (f.call_mut(("there!",)).await, f)

async fn main() {
    let mut context = String::new();

    let cb = async_closure_mut!({
        buf: &'a mut String = &mut context
    }; async |s: &str| -> usize {
    let (last_len, cb) = caller(cb).await;
    assert_eq!(last_len, 6);
    assert_eq!(cb.buf, "Hi there!"); // have access to the closure's states

    let cb = async_closure_mut!({
        buf: &'a mut String = &mut context
    }; async |s: &str| -> std::fmt::Result {
        use std::fmt::Write;
        write!(buf, " {s}")?;
    let (res, cb) = caller(cb).await;
    assert_eq!(cb.buf, "Hi there! Hi  there!");
        // Subtrait relation
        use async_closure::capture_lifetimes::AsyncFnOnce;

    assert_eq!(context, "Hi there! Hi  there! :)");
A struct caller implemented with specific types...
use async_closure::{capture_lifetimes::AsyncFnMut, async_closure_mut};
use std::marker::PhantomData;

struct Caller<'env, T, F> {
    async_closure: F,
    _ph: PhantomData<&'env mut T>,

// Generic impls like the caller function above are similar.
// But here we present a specific scenario where its arguments and output are defined clearly.
impl<'env, F> Caller<'env, (), F>
where F: for<'any> AsyncFnMut<'env, (&'any str,), Output = ()>
    async fn run(mut self, s: &str) {
        self.async_closure.call_mut((" world!",)).await;

async fn main() {
    let mut context = String::new();

    let cb = async_closure_mut!({
        buf: &'a mut String = &mut context
    }; async |s: &str| -> () { // Note: you can never return `&'a mut String` with AsyncFnMut
    let caller = Caller { async_closure: cb, _ph: PhantomData };"Hello").await;
    assert_eq!(context, "Hello world!");

Required Methods§


async fn call_mut(&mut self, args: Args) -> Self::Output
