Crate async_wormhole[][src]

async-wormhole allows you to call .await async calls across non-async functions, like extern “C” or JIT generated code.


Sometimes, when running inside an async environment you need to call into JIT generated code (e.g. wasm) and .await from there. Because the JIT code is not available at compile time, the Rust compiler can’t do their “create a state machine” magic. In the end you can’t have .await statements in non-async functions.

This library creates a special stack for executing the JIT code, so it’s possible to suspend it at any point of the execution. Once you pass it a closure inside AsyncWormhole::new you will get back a future that you can .await on. The passed in closure is going to be executed on a new stack.


use async_wormhole::{AsyncWormhole, AsyncYielder};
use switcheroo::stack::*;

// non-async function
extern "C" fn non_async(mut yielder: AsyncYielder<u32>) -> u32 {
	// Suspend the runtime until async value is ready.
	// Can contain .await calls.
    yielder.async_suspend(async { 42 })

fn main() {
    let stack = EightMbStack::new().unwrap();
    let task = AsyncWormhole::<_, _, fn()>::new(stack, |yielder| {
        let result = non_async(yielder);
        assert_eq!(result, 42);

    let outside = futures::executor::block_on(task);
    assert_eq!(outside, 64);



Different stack implementations (currently only contains a 8 Mb stack).



AsyncWormhole represents a Future that uses a generator with a separate stack to execute a closure.
