Crate async_trait_fn

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This is a fork of the widely acclaimed async-trait crate. This crate adds two experimental attributes to async-trait that can be applied to asynchronous trait methods and associated functions to avoid heap memory allocation.


An async fn without a default implementation may get transformed into a method that returns impl Future + Send + 'async_trait when #[macro@unboxed] is marked on both the trait and the impl blocks. #[macro@unboxed] requires the following unstable language features: associated_type_bounds and type_alias_impl_trait.

#![feature(associated_type_bounds, type_alias_impl_trait)]

pub trait MyFastTrait {
    /// `cnt_fast` returns an instance of a concrete `Future` type.
    async fn cnt_fast(&self) -> usize;

    // presumably other methods

struct MyType(usize);

impl MyFastTrait for MyType {
    async fn cnt_fast(&self) -> usize {

let value = MyType(1);
let unboxed_future = value.cnt_fast();

The feature is not generally applicable due to a bug in the Rust type system.


unboxed_simple is identical to unboxed except that all the lifetime bounds in the type and parameters are substituted with a single lifetime.

Attribute Macros