
Crate async_signature[][src]

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RustCrypto: async-signature crate.

This is an experimental crate containing async versions of select traits from the signature crate, namely AsyncSigner and when the digest feature is enabled, AsyncDigestSigner.

Traits are implemented using async-trait, which rewrites the traits to use Box-ed futures.

The longer-term goal is to move these traits into the signature crate itself, however before doing so we’d like to remove the async-trait dependency in order to enable use in no_std environments. This crate is a stopgap until that happens.

For more information, see: https://github.com/RustCrypto/traits/issues/304


pub use signature;
pub use signature::digest;


Signature errors.


Asynchronously sign the given prehashed message Digest using Self.

Asynchronously sign the provided message bytestring using Self (e.g. client for a Cloud KMS or HSM), returning a digital signature.

Convinience wrapper trait covering functionality of cryptographic hash functions with fixed output size.

Trait impl’d by concrete types that represent digital signatures.