
Multiplexing multiple protocols over a single channel and dispatching to session handler instances.


This macro is convenient for server-like protocols of the form:

The repr_bound macro creates a type alias that can be used as bound for the generic wire type, instead of listing all messages used by the protocol.

The repr_impl macro creates Repr implementations for a type used on the wire, for each protocol message type enumerated in the call.


A session typed channel. P is the protocol and E is the environment, containing potential recursion targets. R is the representation of messages, which could be DynMessage, or perhaps something we know statically how to turn into JSON or bytes.

Active choice between P and Q

End of communication session (epsilon)

Passive choice (offer) between P and Q

Enter a recursive environment.

Receive T, then resume with protocol P.

Peano numbers: Increment

Send T, then resume with protocol P.

Recurse. N indicates how many layers of the recursive environment we recurse out of.

Peano numbers: Zero


Indicate whether the left or right choice was chosen in an Offer.


The HasDual trait defines the dual relationship between protocols.

Indicate that a protocol will receive a message, and specify what type it is, so we can decide in an offer which arm we got a message for.

Indicate that a protocol will send a message.

Define for the wire representation, so that the raw messages can be lifted into it, and later the representation can be cast back into the expected types.


Create a pair of server and client channels for a given protocol P.

Similar to session_channel; create a typed channel for a protocol P, but instead of creating a channel for its dual, return the raw sender and receiver that can be used to communicate with the channel created.

Type Definitions

We can use a dynamic boxed message to pass messages, and represent all messages in a protocol as individual structs. However if we want to send them over a network connection we will need to serialise to some wire format, and at that point we have to use tagging, so we can recognise what type to deserialise into.