Module async_graphql::dynamic

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Available on crate feature dynamic-schema only.
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Suppport for dynamic schema

Create a simple GraphQL schema

use async_graphql::{dynamic::*, value, Value};

let query = Object::new("Query").field(Field::new("value", TypeRef::named_nn(TypeRef::INT), |ctx| {
    FieldFuture::new(async move { Ok(Some(Value::from(100))) })

let schema = Schema::build(query.type_name(), None, None)

       .execute("{ value }")
   value!({ "value": 100 })


GraphQL request for dynamic schema.
A GraphQL enum type
A GraphQL enum item
A GraphQL field
A future that returned from field resolver
A value returned from the resolver function
A GraphQL input object type
A GraphQL input value type
A GraphQL interface type
A GraphQL interface field type
A list accessor
A GraphQL object type
A object accessor
A context for resolver function
A GraphQL scalar type
Dyanmic GraphQL schema.
Dynamic schema builder
An error can occur when building dynamic schema
A GraphQL subscription type
A GraphQL subscription field
A future that returned from field resolver
A type reference
A GraphQL union type
A value accessor


A GraphQL type
