[][src]Attribute Macro async_graphql::Object


Define a GraphQL object with methods

See also the Book.

All methods are converted to camelCase.

Macro parameters

nameObject namestringY
cache_controlObject cache controlCacheControlY
extendsAdd fields to an entity that's defined in another serviceboolY

Field parameters

skipSkip this fieldboolY
nameField namestringY
descField descriptionstringY
deprecationField deprecation reasonstringY
cache_controlField cache controlCacheControlY
externalMark a field as owned by another service. This allows service A to use fields from service B while also knowing at runtime the types of that field.boolY
providesAnnotate the expected returned fieldset from a field on a base type that is guaranteed to be selectable by the gateway.stringY
requiresAnnotate the required input fieldset from a base type for a resolver. It is used to develop a query plan where the required fields may not be needed by the client, but the service may need additional information from other services.stringY
guardField of guardGuardY
post_guardField of post guardPostGuardY

Field argument parameters

nameArgument namestringY
descArgument descriptionstringY
defaultUse Default::default for default valuenoneY
defaultArgument default valueliteralY
default_withExpression to generate default valuecode stringY
validatorInput value validatorInputValueValidatorY
keyIs entity keyboolY

Valid field return types

  • Scalar values, such as i32 and bool. usize, isize, u128 and i128 are not supported
  • Vec<T>, such as Vec<i32>
  • Slices, such as &[i32]
  • Option<T>, such as Option<i32>
  • BTree<T>, HashMap<T>, HashSet<T>, BTreeSet<T>, LinkedList<T>, VecDeque<T>
  • GraphQL objects.
  • GraphQL enums.
  • References to any of the above types, such as &i32 or &Option<String>.
  • Result<T, E>, such as Result<i32, E>


You can define a context as an argument to a method, and the context should be the first argument to the method.

This example is not tested
impl QueryRoot {
    async fn value(&self, ctx: &Context<'_>) -> { ... }


use async_graphql::*;

struct QueryRoot {
    value: i32,

impl QueryRoot {
    /// value
    async fn value(&self) -> i32 {

    /// reference value
    async fn value_ref(&self) -> &i32 {

    /// value with error
    async fn value_with_error(&self) -> Result<i32> {

    async fn value_with_arg(&self, #[graphql(default = 1)] a: i32) -> i32 {

async_std::task::block_on(async move {
    let schema = Schema::new(QueryRoot { value: 10 }, EmptyMutation, EmptySubscription);
    let res = schema.execute(r#"{
        valueWithArg1: valueWithArg
        valueWithArg2: valueWithArg(a: 99)
    assert_eq!(res, serde_json::json!({
        "value": 10,
        "valueRef": 10,
        "valueWithError": 10,
        "valueWithArg1": 1,
        "valueWithArg2": 99