Expand description

The database (*.fdb) file format used for the core database (CDClient)

Among the resource files distributed with the LEGO® Universe game client is a copy of the core database. This database includes information on all zones, objects, components, behaviors, items, loot, currency, missions, scripts, …

This (unpacked) name of this file is /res/CDClient.fdb. The file uses a custom database format which is essentially a sorted list of hash maps.


  • Database: The whole file, a collection of tables
  • Table: A collection of rows, implemented as an array of buckets
  • Column: A name and default type for the fields in every row
  • Bucket: A linked-list of rows for one value of the primary-key hash
  • Row: A list of fields, corresponding to the columns of the table definition
  • Field: A value with a type marker

File format

The file format is constructed from a bunch of structs made out of 32-bit words that may reference other structs by offset from the start of the file. These structs form a tree without circular references.

These basic structs are implemented in the assembly_fdb_core crate.

Using this library

You can use the mem module to load a database from an in-memory buffer:

use assembly_fdb::mem::Database;

let file: &[u8] = &[0,0,0,0,8,0,0,0];
let db = Database::new(file);
let tables = db.tables().unwrap();

assert_eq!(0, tables.len());


The data structures for representing the file/database.
The structures, as they are serialized
Code for use with std::io::{Read, Write}
Low-Level API that is suitable for non-little-endian machines
Query the database
Read-Only low level access to a database file
SQLite conversions and tooling
Arena-Store & Writer
Types that are common to most FDB-APIs


This trait is implemented on all types that represent a field value