Crate assemble_core

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The api defines the structs, functions, and traits that make up the assemble project.


pub use exception::BuildResult;
pub use plugins::Plugin;
pub use project::Project;
pub use task::Task;
pub use workspace::default_workspaces::ASSEMBLE_HOME;
pub use workspace::Workspace;


The cache used assemble wise. This is accessible from every project, and should be used with care
Provides a wrapper around cargo environment variables set during compilation.
Cryptography functionality to aid with hashing and comparison
Describe mechanisms to enable projects to have dependencies
An error with a payload
Build time exceptions
Provides ways to “fingerprint” something
Control the in and out flow of a project
Identifiers are used by lazy_evaluation, tasks, and projects.
Mark a type as immutable.
Lazy evaluation allows for a more simple approach to sharing data between tasks.
Defines different parts of the logging utilities for assemble-daemon
Provide a “unified” way of adding plugins to an assemble project
Provides many useful, often use types and functions within assemble
The startup part of assemble.
Provide version information about assemble, generated at compile time.
Control web requests
The work queue allows for submission and completion of work.
Workspaces help provide limited access to files


create a provider with a function


The wrapped task itself


Executes some function. If an error is returned by the function, then None is returned and the error is printed to the error output. Otherwise, Some(R) is returned.