Module aspotify::model[][src]

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The Spotify Object Model, in deserializable Rust structures.


pub use consts::*;


Serialization and deserialization constants.


Actions that are disallowed in the current context.

An album object.

A simplified album object.

An artist object.

A simplified artist object.

A simplified album object from the context of an artist.

Audio analysis of a track.

Information and features of a track.

An error caused by one of the Web API endpoints relating to authentication.

A category of music, for example “Mood”, “Top Lists”, “Workout”, et cetera.

The context of the current playing track.

The copyright information for a resource.

Information about a user’s current playback state.

Information about the currently playing track.

Object that contains the next CursorPage.

A page of items, using a cursor to find the next page.

A device object.

A regular error object returned by endpoints of the API.

An episode object.

A simplified episode object.

A list of featured playlists, and a message.

Information about the followers of an item. Currently only contains the number of followers.

An image with a URL and an optional width and height.

A page of items.

When and how a track was played.

A playlist object.

Information about an item inside a playlist.

A simplified playlist object.

How the recommendation was chosen.

Recommended tracks for the user.

Restrictions applied to a track due to markets.

A position to resume from in an object.

Information about an album that has been saved.

Information about a show that has been saved.

Information about a track that has been saved.

The results of a search.

A section of a track.

A segment in a track.

A show object.

A simplified show object.

A time interval in a track.

A track object.

A link to a track.

A simplified track object.

The number of tracks an object contains.

Object that contains the next and previous CursorPage.

A page of items, using a cursor to move backwards and forwards.

A user object only accessible to the user themselves; does not work with Client Credentials flow.

A user object that is accessible to everyone.

A user object that contains less fields than UserPublic and is not documented anywhere, but is returned by some endpoints.


Similar to AlbumType, but with an extra variant.

The type of album.

How precise a date measurement is.

A type of device.

An action that is currently not able to be performed.

An error sending a request to a Spotify endpoint.

A type of item in the Spotify model.

The mode of a track (major or minor).

A reason for an error caused by the Spotify player.

The type of a currently playing item.

The types of item that can go in a playlist.

Repeating the track, the context or not at all.

The context from which the recommendation was chosen; artist, track or genre.

The subscription level; premium or free.