Crate asol[][src]

Expand description

aSOL: an aggregated Solana stake pool.


pub use events::*;
pub use snapshot::*;
pub use state::*;
pub use types::*;


An Anchor generated module, providing a set of structs mirroring the structs deriving Accounts, where each field is a Pubkey. This is useful for specifying accounts for a client.

asol program.

Crate events

An Anchor generated module containing the program’s set of instructions, where each method handler in the #[program] mod is associated with a struct defining the input arguments to the method. These should be used directly, when one wants to serialize Anchor instruction data, for example, when speciying instructions on a client.


Accounts for minting aSOL.

Accounts for synchronization. TODO: this should be generic




Number of decimals in lamports.

Maximum number of stake pools supported.

The minimum amount of liquidity in the pool for the “exact calculation” of SOL/ASOL price to be used. If the amount of SOL in the pool is less than this number, the price of ASOL is pegged to 1 SOL.


The static program ID


Confirms that a given pubkey is equivalent to the program ID

The Anchor codegen exposes a programming model where a user defines a set of methods inside of a #[program] module in a way similar to writing RPC request handlers. The macro then generates a bunch of code wrapping these user defined methods into something that can be executed on Solana.

Returns the program ID

Type Definitions

Anchor generated Result to be used as the return type for the program.