Module askama_gotham::filters

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Module for built-in filter functions

Contains all the built-in filter functions for use in templates. You can define your own filters, as well. For more information, read the book.


  • Absolute value
  • Capitalize a value. The first character will be uppercase, all others lowercase.
  • Centers the value in a field of a given width
  • Escapes strings according to the escape mode.
  • Returns adequate string representation (in KB, ..) of number of bytes
  • Formats arguments according to the specified format
  • Formats arguments according to the specified format
  • Indent lines with width spaces
  • Casts number to f64
  • Casts number to isize
  • Joins iterable into a string separated by provided argument
  • Replaces line breaks in plain text with appropriate HTML
  • Converts all newlines in a piece of plain text to HTML line breaks
  • Converts to lowercase
  • Alias for the lower() filter
  • Replaces only paragraph breaks in plain text with appropriate HTML
  • Marks a string (or other Display type) as safe
  • Strip leading and trailing whitespace
  • Limit string length, appends ‘…’ if truncated
  • Converts to uppercase
  • Alias for the upper() filter
  • Percent-encodes the argument for safe use in URI; does not encode /.
  • Percent-encodes the argument for safe use in URI; encodes /.
  • Count the words in that string