Crate asap

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This is a rust library for generating and validating ASAP tokens. It provides options for doing so that are compliant with the ASAP specification.

ASAP is a protocol that extends JWT. It does this so resource servers can be confident that incoming requests with signed ASAP tokens are indeed coming from the intended client. If you want to know more, see the specification.

Things to note about this ASAP library:

  • This library is awesome. If you use Rust and want ASAP, you should use this!
  • At the moment it only supports the RS256 algorithm. This is the most used algorithm that ASAP uses, so there’s been no need to implement any others.
  • The ASAP Validator struct can optionally detect duplicate jti nonces.

This library aims to be fully compliant with the ASAP specification found here. If you notice anything out of the ordinary, please don’t hesitate to make a Issue or PR stating where it doesn’t comply.

This library also aims to be really simple to use! You should concentrate less on ASAP, and more on writing your client or service. If you spend too much time working with this library, then it’s failed its purpose. Please make an Issue/PR telling us why, and we’ll do our best to make it better.

Here’s a quick example of how you can generate tokens using this library:

use asap::claims::Aud;
use asap::generator::Generator;

// The identifier of the service that issues the token (`iss`).
let iss = "service01".to_string();
// The key id (`kid`) of the public key in your keyserver.
let kid = "service01/my-key-id".to_string();
// The `private_key` used to sign each token.
let private_key = include_bytes!("../support/keys/service01/1530402390-private.der").to_vec();

// Here's your generator! 🎉
let generator = Generator::new(iss, kid, private_key);

// Generate tokens, etc...
let token = generator.token(aud, extra_claims).unwrap();

And here’s another example of how you can validate tokens:

use asap::claims::Claims;
use asap::validator::Validator;

let asap_token = "<your-asap-token>";

// The keyserver(s) which hosts your public keys.
let primary_keyserver = "http://my-keyserver/".to_string();
let fallback_keyserver = "http://my-fallback-keyserver/".to_string();
// The audience of the server/resource that validates the incoming tokens.
let resource_server_audience = "my-server".to_string();

// Build the ASAP validator:
let validator = Validator::builder(primary_keyserver, resource_server_audience)

// A list of issuers that are allowed to access this server/resource.
let whitelisted_issuers = vec!["list", "of", "whitelisted", "issuers"];
match validator.decode(asap_token, &whitelisted_issuers).await {
    Ok(token_data) => {
        // Here you have a successfully verified and accepted access token!
        // Remember the directions from the ASAP spec:
        // If the resource server successfully verifies and accepts the
        // access token, then it MUST process the request and it MUST assume
        // that the request was issued by the issuer.
        println!("claims {:?}",;
    Err(e) => {
        // Oh boo, there was an error decoding and validating the ASAP token.
        // Remember the directions from the ASAP spec:
        // If the resource server rejects the access token, then it MUST
        // reply with a status code of 401 UNAUTHORIZED and MUST include a
        // WWW-Authenticate header field as per the HTTP specification.
        eprintln!("{:?}", e);

That’s really it! It should be simple - that’s the goal.


This module contains all things relating to the generation of ASAP tokens. Use this module if you need to generate ASAP tokens or authorisation headers for outgoing requests.

This module contains everything you need in order to validate and verify the authenticity of an incoming ASAP token.