Module arrow::array

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Statically typed implementations of Arrow Arrays

See arrow_array for examples and usage instructions


Downcast an Array to a DictionaryArray based on its DataType, accepts a number of subsequent patterns to match the data type
Given one or more expressions evaluating to an integer DataType invokes the provided macro m with the corresponding integer ArrowPrimitiveType, followed by any additional arguments
Given one or more expressions evaluating to primitive DataType invokes the provided macro m with the corresponding ArrowPrimitiveType, followed by any additional arguments
Downcast an Array to a PrimitiveArray based on its DataType accepts a number of subsequent patterns to match the data type
Given one or more expressions evaluating to primitive DataType invokes the provided macro m with the corresponding ArrowPrimitiveType, followed by any additional arguments
Downcast an Array to a temporal PrimitiveArray based on its DataType accepts a number of subsequent patterns to match the data type


An generic representation of Arrow array data which encapsulates common attributes and operations for Arrow array. Specific operations for different arrays types (e.g., primitive, list, struct) are implemented in Array.
Builder for ArrayData type
An iterator that returns Some(T) or None, that can be used on any ArrayAccessor
Array of bools
A builder for creating a boolean Buffer
Array builder for fixed-width primitive types
Builder for creating a Buffer object.
Layout specification for a data type
A dictionary array where each element is a single value indexed by an integer key. This is mostly used to represent strings or a limited set of primitive types as integers, for example when doing NLP analysis or representing chromosomes by name.
An array where each element is a fixed-size sequence of bytes.
A fixed size binary array builder
A list array where each element is a fixed-size sequence of values with the same type whose maximum length is represented by a i32.
Generic struct for variable-size byte arrays
Generic struct for a variable-size list array.
A nested array type where each record is a key-value map. Keys should always be non-null, but values can be null.
Creates a new MapBuilder
Contains details of the mapping
Struct to efficiently and interactively create an ArrayData from an existing ArrayData by copying chunks.
This struct is used as an adapter when creating PrimitiveArray from an iterator. FromIterator for PrimitiveArray takes an iterator where the elements can be into this struct. So once implementing From or Into trait for a type, an iterator of the type can be collected to PrimitiveArray.
An Array where all elements are nulls
Array whose elements are of primitive types.
Array builder for fixed-width primitive types
Array builder for DictionaryArray. For example to map a set of byte indices to f32 values. Note that the use of a HashMap here will not scale to very large arrays or result in an ordered dictionary.
Array builder for DictionaryArray that stores Strings. For example to map a set of byte indices to String values. Note that the use of a HashMap here will not scale to very large arrays or result in an ordered dictionary.
A nested array type where each child (called field) is represented by a separate array.
Array builder for Struct types.
A strongly-typed wrapper around a DictionaryArray that implements ArrayAccessor allowing fast access to its elements
An Array that can represent slots of varying types.
Builder type for creating a new UnionArray.


Layout specification for a single data type buffer
Define capacities of child data or data buffers.


Trait for dealing with different types of array at runtime when the type of the array is not known in advance.
A generic trait for accessing the values of an Array
Trait for dealing with different array builders at runtime
Trait bridging the dynamic-typed nature of Arrow (via DataType) with the static-typed nature of rust types (ArrowNativeType) for all types that implement ArrowNativeType.
trait declaring an offset size, relevant for i32 vs i64 array types.


Force downcast of an Array, such as an ArrayRef to BooleanArray, panic’ing on failure.
Force downcast of an Array, such as an ArrayRef to Decimal128Array, panic’ing on failure.
Force downcast of an Array, such as an ArrayRef to DictionaryArray<T>, panic’ing on failure.
Force downcast of an Array, such as an ArrayRef to GenericBinaryArray<S>, panic’ing on failure.
Force downcast of an Array, such as an ArrayRef to GenericListArray<T>, panic’ing on failure.
Force downcast of an Array, such as an ArrayRef to LargeListArray, panic’ing on failure.
Force downcast of an Array, such as an ArrayRef to LargeStringArray, panic’ing on failure.
Force downcast of an Array, such as an ArrayRef to ListArray, panic’ing on failure.
Force downcast of an Array, such as an ArrayRef to MapArray, panic’ing on failure.
Force downcast of an Array, such as an ArrayRef to NullArray, panic’ing on failure.
Force downcast of an Array, such as an ArrayRef, to PrimitiveArray<T>, panic’ing on failure.
Force downcast of an Array, such as an ArrayRef to StringArray, panic’ing on failure.
Force downcast of an Array, such as an ArrayRef to StructArray, panic’ing on failure.
Force downcast of an Array, such as an ArrayRef to UnionArray, panic’ing on failure.
returns a comparison function that compares two values at two different positions between the two arrays. The arrays’ types must be equal.
Downcasts a dyn Array to a concrete type
Exports an array to raw pointers of the C Data Interface provided by the consumer.
Return the expected DataTypeLayout Arrays of this data type are expected to have
Constructs an array using the input data. Returns a reference-counted Array instance.
Creates a new array from two FFI pointers. Used to import arrays from the C Data Interface
Returns a builder with capacity capacity that corresponds to the datatype DataType This function is useful to construct arrays from an arbitrary vectors with known/expected schema.
Creates a new empty array
Creates a new array of data_type of length length filled entirely of NULL values

Type Definitions

A reference-counted reference to a generic Array.
An array where each element contains 0 or more bytes. The byte length of each element is represented by an i32.
A binary array builder with i32 offsets
an iterator that returns Some(T) or None, that can be used on any BooleanArray
A primitive array where each element is of 32-bit date type.
Buffer builder for 32-bit date type.
A 32-bit date array builder.
A primitive array where each element is of 64-bit date type.
Buffer builder for 64-bit date type.
A 64-bit date array builder.
An array where each element is a 128-bits decimal with precision in [1, 38] and scale in [-38, 38].
A decimal 128 array builder
An array where each element is a 256-bits decimal with precision in [1, 76] and scale in [-76, 76].
A decimal 256 array builder
An array where each element is an elapsed time type in microseconds.
Buffer builder for elaspsed time of microseconds unit.
An elapsed time in microseconds array builder.
An array where each element is an elapsed time type in milliseconds.
Buffer builder for elaspsed time of milliseconds unit.
An elapsed time in milliseconds array builder.
An array where each element is an elapsed time type in nanoseconds.
Buffer builder for elaspsed time of nanoseconds unit.
An elapsed time in nanoseconds array builder.
An array where each element is an elapsed time type in seconds.
Buffer builder for elaspsed time of second unit.
An elapsed time in seconds array builder.
Compare the values at two arbitrary indices in two arrays.
an iterator that returns Some(T) or None, that can be used on any FixedSizeBinaryArray
Example: Using collect
Example: Using collect
Buffer builder for 32-bit floating point type.
A 32-bit floating point array builder.
Example: Using collect
Buffer builder for 64-bit floating point type.
A 64-bit floating point array builder.
See BinaryArray and LargeBinaryArray for storing binary data.
an iterator that returns Some(T) or None, that can be used on any BinaryArray
an iterator that returns Some(T) or None, that can be used on any ListArray
Generic struct for [Large]StringArray
an iterator that returns Some(T) or None, that can be used on any Utf8Array
Example: Using collect
Buffer builder for signed 8-bit integer type.
A signed 8-bit integer array builder.
A dictionary array where each element is a single value indexed by an integer key.
Example: Using collect
Buffer builder for signed 16-bit integer type.
A signed 16-bit integer array builder.
A dictionary array where each element is a single value indexed by an integer key.
Example: Using collect
Buffer builder for signed 32-bit integer type.
A signed 32-bit integer array builder.
A dictionary array where each element is a single value indexed by an integer key.
Example: Using collect
Buffer builder for signed 64-bit integer type.
A signed 64-bit integer array builder.
A dictionary array where each element is a single value indexed by an integer key.
An array where each element is a “calendar” interval days and milliseconds.
Buffer builder for “calendar” interval in days and milliseconds.
A “calendar” interval in days and milliseconds array builder.
An array where each element is a “calendar” interval in months, days, and nanoseconds.
Buffer builder “calendar” interval in months, days, and nanoseconds.
A “calendar” interval in months, days, and nanoseconds array builder.
An array where each element is a “calendar” interval in months.
Buffer builder for “calendar” interval in months.
A “calendar” interval in months array builder.
An array where each element contains 0 or more bytes. The byte length of each element is represented by an i64.
A binary array builder with i64 offsets
A list array where each element is a variable-sized sequence of values with the same type whose memory offsets between elements are represented by a i64.
A list array builder with i64 offsets
An array where each element is a variable-sized sequence of bytes representing a string whose maximum length (in bytes) is represented by a i64.
A string array builder with i64 offsets
A list array where each element is a variable-sized sequence of values with the same type whose memory offsets between elements are represented by a i32.
A list array builder with i32 offsets
an iterator that returns Some(T) or None, that can be used on any PrimitiveArray
An array where each element is a variable-sized sequence of bytes representing a string whose maximum length (in bytes) is represented by a i32.
A string array builder with i32 offsets
An array where each element is of 32-bit type representing time elapsed in milliseconds since midnight.
Buffer builder for 32-bit elaspsed time since midnight of millisecond unit.
A 32-bit elaspsed time in milliseconds array builder.
An array where each element is of 32-bit type representing time elapsed in seconds since midnight.
Buffer builder for 32-bit elaspsed time since midnight of second unit.
A 32-bit elaspsed time in seconds array builder.
An array where each element is of 64-bit type representing time elapsed in microseconds since midnight.
Buffer builder for 64-bit elaspsed time since midnight of microsecond unit.
A 64-bit elaspsed time in microseconds array builder.
An array where each element is of 64-bit type representing time elapsed in nanoseconds since midnight.
Buffer builder for 64-bit elaspsed time since midnight of nanosecond unit.
A 64-bit elaspsed time in nanoseconds array builder.
A primitive array where each element is of type TimestampMicrosecondType. See examples for TimestampSecondArray.
Buffer builder for timestamp type of microsecond unit.
A timestamp microsecond array builder.
A primitive array where each element is of type TimestampMillisecondType. See examples for TimestampSecondArray.
Buffer builder for timestamp type of millisecond unit.
A timestamp millisecond array builder.
A primitive array where each element is of type TimestampNanosecondType. See examples for TimestampSecondArray.
Buffer builder for timestamp type of nanosecond unit.
A timestamp nanosecond array builder.
A primitive array where each element is of type TimestampSecondType. See also Timestamp.
Buffer builder for timestamp type of second unit.
A timestamp second array builder.
Example: Using collect
Buffer builder for usigned 8-bit integer type.
An usigned 8-bit integer array builder.
A dictionary array where each element is a single value indexed by an integer key.
Example: Using collect
Buffer builder for usigned 16-bit integer type.
An usigned 16-bit integer array builder.
A dictionary array where each element is a single value indexed by an integer key.
Example: Using collect
Buffer builder for usigned 32-bit integer type.
An usigned 32-bit integer array builder.
A dictionary array where each element is a single value indexed by an integer key.
Example: Using collect
Buffer builder for usigned 64-bit integer type.
An usigned 64-bit integer array builder.
A dictionary array where each element is a single value indexed by an integer key.