Expand description

Defines miscellaneous array kernels.


A builder to construct FilterPredicate

A filtering predicate that can be applied to an Array

An iterator of (usize, usize) each representing an interval [start, end] whose slots of a BooleanArray are true. Each interval corresponds to a contiguous region of memory to be “taken” from an array to be filtered.



Returns a prepared function optimized to filter multiple arrays. Creating this function requires time, but using it is faster than filter when the same filter needs to be applied to multiple arrays (e.g. a multi-column RecordBatch). WARNING: the nulls of filter are ignored and the value on its slot is considered. Therefore, it is considered undefined behavior to pass filter with null values.

Filters an Array, returning elements matching the filter (i.e. where the values are true).

Returns a new RecordBatch with arrays containing only values matching the filter.

Remove null values by do a bitmask AND operation with null bits and the boolean bits.

Type Definitions


Function that can filter arbitrary arrays