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Functions for Cli commands comprised of library functions.


Gets cost of uploading a list of files.

Gets cost of uploading a list of files.

Displays pending transaction count every second for one minute.

Gets status from the network for the provided transaction id.

Retrieves transaction from the network.

Lists transaction statuses, filtered by statuses and max confirmations if provided.

Lists transaction statuses, filtered by statuses and max confirmations if provided.

Re-uploads files from status and max confirmations criteria.

Re-uploads files from status and max confirmations criteria.

Prints a count of transactions by status.

Updates bundle statuses for provided files in provided directory.

Updates NFT metadata files from a manifest file.

Updates statuses for uploaded nfts.

Updates statuses for provided files in provided directory.

Uploads files to Arweave.

Uploads bundles created from provided glob to Arweave.

Uploads bundles created from provided glob to Arweave, paying with SOL.

Creates and uploads manifest from directory of bundle statuses.

Uploads folder of nft assets and metadata, updating metadata with links to uploaded assets.

Uploads files to Arweave, paying with SOL.

Gets balance for provided wallet address.

Writes metaplex link items used to create NFTs with candy machine program.

Gets manifest transaction id from first manifest file in a log directory.

Type Definitions