Trait ark_r1cs_std::fields::FieldVar[][src]

pub trait FieldVar<F: Field, ConstraintF: Field>: 'static + Clone + From<Boolean<ConstraintF>> + R1CSVar<ConstraintF, Value = F> + EqGadget<ConstraintF> + ToBitsGadget<ConstraintF> + AllocVar<F, ConstraintF> + ToBytesGadget<ConstraintF> + CondSelectGadget<ConstraintF> + for<'a> FieldOpsBounds<'a, F, Self> + for<'a> AddAssign<&'a Self> + for<'a> SubAssign<&'a Self> + for<'a> MulAssign<&'a Self> + AddAssign<Self> + SubAssign<Self> + MulAssign<Self> + AddAssign<F> + SubAssign<F> + MulAssign<F> + Debug {
Show methods fn zero() -> Self;
fn one() -> Self;
fn constant(v: F) -> Self;
fn negate(&self) -> Result<Self, SynthesisError>;
fn inverse(&self) -> Result<Self, SynthesisError>;
fn frobenius_map(&self, power: usize) -> Result<Self, SynthesisError>; fn is_zero(&self) -> Result<Boolean<ConstraintF>, SynthesisError> { ... }
fn is_one(&self) -> Result<Boolean<ConstraintF>, SynthesisError> { ... }
fn double(&self) -> Result<Self, SynthesisError> { ... }
fn double_in_place(&mut self) -> Result<&mut Self, SynthesisError> { ... }
fn negate_in_place(&mut self) -> Result<&mut Self, SynthesisError> { ... }
fn square(&self) -> Result<Self, SynthesisError> { ... }
fn square_in_place(&mut self) -> Result<&mut Self, SynthesisError> { ... }
fn mul_equals(
        other: &Self,
        result: &Self
    ) -> Result<(), SynthesisError> { ... }
fn square_equals(&self, result: &Self) -> Result<(), SynthesisError> { ... }
fn mul_by_inverse(&self, d: &Self) -> Result<Self, SynthesisError> { ... }
fn frobenius_map_in_place(
        &mut self,
        power: usize
    ) -> Result<&mut Self, SynthesisError> { ... }
fn pow_le(
        bits: &[Boolean<ConstraintF>]
    ) -> Result<Self, SynthesisError> { ... }
fn pow_by_constant<S: AsRef<[u64]>>(
        exp: S
    ) -> Result<Self, SynthesisError> { ... }
Expand description

A variable representing a field. Corresponds to the native type F.

Required methods

Returns the constant F::zero().

Returns the constant F::one().

Returns a constant with value v.

This should not allocate any variables.

Coputes -self.

Computes result such that self * result == Self::one().

Computes the frobenius map over self.

Provided methods

Returns a Boolean representing whether self == Self::zero().

Returns a Boolean representing whether self == Self::one().

Computes self + self.

Sets self = self + self.

Sets self = -self.

Computes self * self.

A default implementation is provided which just invokes the underlying multiplication routine. However, this method should be specialized for extension fields, where faster algorithms exist for squaring.

Sets self = self.square().

Enforces that self * other == result.

Enforces that self * self == result.

Returns (self / d). The constraint system will be unsatisfiable when d = 0.

Sets self = self.frobenius_map().

Comptues self^bits, where bits is a little-endian bit-wise decomposition of the exponent.

Computes self^S, where S is interpreted as an little-endian u64-decomposition of an integer.
