Trait ark_r1cs_std::groups::CurveVar[][src]

pub trait CurveVar<C: ProjectiveCurve, ConstraintF: Field>: 'static + Sized + Clone + Debug + R1CSVar<ConstraintF, Value = C> + ToBitsGadget<ConstraintF> + ToBytesGadget<ConstraintF> + EqGadget<ConstraintF> + CondSelectGadget<ConstraintF> + AllocVar<C, ConstraintF> + AllocVar<C::Affine, ConstraintF> + for<'a> GroupOpsBounds<'a, C, Self> + for<'a> AddAssign<&'a Self> + for<'a> SubAssign<&'a Self> + AddAssign<C> + SubAssign<C> + AddAssign<Self> + SubAssign<Self> {
    fn zero() -> Self;
fn constant(other: C) -> Self;
fn new_variable_omit_prime_order_check(
        cs: impl Into<Namespace<ConstraintF>>,
        f: impl FnOnce() -> Result<C, SynthesisError>,
        mode: AllocationMode
    ) -> Result<Self, SynthesisError>;
fn enforce_prime_order(&self) -> Result<(), SynthesisError>;
fn double_in_place(&mut self) -> Result<(), SynthesisError>;
fn negate(&self) -> Result<Self, SynthesisError>; fn is_zero(&self) -> Result<Boolean<ConstraintF>, SynthesisError> { ... }
fn double(&self) -> Result<Self, SynthesisError> { ... }
fn scalar_mul_le<'a>(
        bits: impl Iterator<Item = &'a Boolean<ConstraintF>>
    ) -> Result<Self, SynthesisError> { ... }
fn precomputed_base_scalar_mul_le<'a, I, B>(
        &mut self,
        scalar_bits_with_bases: I
    ) -> Result<(), SynthesisError>
        I: Iterator<Item = (B, &'a C)>,
        B: Borrow<Boolean<ConstraintF>>,
        C: 'a
, { ... }
fn precomputed_base_multiscalar_mul_le<'a, T: ?Sized, I, B>(
        bases: &[B],
        scalars: I
    ) -> Result<Self, SynthesisError>
        T: 'a + ToBitsGadget<ConstraintF>,
        I: Iterator<Item = &'a T>,
        B: Borrow<[C]>
, { ... } }
Expand description

A variable that represents a curve point for the curve C.

Required methods

Returns the constant F::zero(). This is the identity of the group.

Returns a constant with value v.

This should not allocate any variables.

Allocates a variable in the subgroup without checking if it’s in the prime-order subgroup.

Enforce that self is in the prime-order subgroup.

Sets self = self + self.

Coputes -self.

Provided methods

Returns a Boolean representing whether self == Self::zero().

Computes self + self.

Computes bits * self, where bits is a little-endian Boolean representation of a scalar.

Computes a I * self in place, where I is a Boolean little-endian representation of the scalar.

The bases are precomputed power-of-two multiples of a single base.

Computes Σⱼ(scalarⱼ * baseⱼ) for all j, where scalarⱼ is a Boolean little-endian representation of the j-th scalar.
