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Ark module crate

This crate is used at the root level the for building Ark Wasm module binaries. It should not be depended on and used by library crates.

Also see the 🗺️ Ark Developer Guide


🎁 Applet module

🎵 Audio module

🦹 Behavior module

⌨️ Cmdlet module

🌈 Render module


Implement an applet module

Implement an applet module that can have persistent state

Implement an asynchronous cmdlet module

Implement an audio source module.

By passing a type that implements the BehaviorEntry trait, this macro will hook up and route the behavior module’s raw entry points to the trait methods.

Implement a blocking cmdlet module

Implement a render module

Implement a WASI cmdlet module


Simple single-threaded futures runtime for Wasm


Initialize the module