pub trait TECurveConfig: CurveConfig {
    type MontCurveConfig: MontCurveConfig<BaseField = Self::BaseField>;

    const COEFF_A: Self::BaseField;
    const COEFF_D: Self::BaseField;
    const GENERATOR: Affine<Self>;

    fn mul_by_a(elem: Self::BaseField) -> Self::BaseField { ... }
    fn is_in_correct_subgroup_assuming_on_curve(item: &Affine<Self>) -> bool { ... }
    fn clear_cofactor(item: &Affine<Self>) -> Affine<Self> { ... }
    fn mul_projective(
        base: &Projective<Self>,
        scalar: &[u64]
    ) -> Projective<Self> { ... } fn mul_affine(base: &Affine<Self>, scalar: &[u64]) -> Projective<Self> { ... } fn serialize_with_mode<W: Write>(
        item: &Affine<Self>,
        writer: W,
        compress: Compress
    ) -> Result<(), SerializationError> { ... } fn deserialize_with_mode<R: Read>(
        reader: R,
        compress: Compress,
        validate: Validate
    ) -> Result<Affine<Self>, SerializationError> { ... } fn serialized_size(compress: Compress) -> usize { ... } }
Expand description

Constants and convenience functions that collectively define the Twisted Edwards model of the curve. In this model, the curve equation is a * x² + y² = 1 + d * x² * y², for constants a and d.

Required Associated Types

Model parameters for the Montgomery curve that is birationally equivalent to this curve.

Required Associated Constants

Coefficient a of the curve equation.

Coefficient d of the curve equation.

Generator of the prime-order subgroup.

Provided Methods

Helper method for computing elem * Self::COEFF_A.

The default implementation should be overridden only if the product can be computed faster than standard field multiplication (eg: via doubling if COEFF_A == 2, or if COEFF_A.is_zero()).

Checks that the current point is in the prime order subgroup given the point on the curve.

Performs cofactor clearing. The default method is simply to multiply by the cofactor. For some curve families though, it is sufficient to multiply by a smaller scalar.

Default implementation of group multiplication for projective coordinates

Default implementation of group multiplication for affine coordinates

If uncompressed, serializes both x and y coordinates. If compressed, serializes y coordinate with a bit to encode whether x is positive.

If validate is Yes, calls check() to make sure the element is valid.

Uses Affine::get_xs_from_y_unchecked() for the compressed version.
