pub type G2Projective<H> = G2Projective<Config<H>>;

Aliased Type§

struct G2Projective<H> {
    pub x: <<Config<H> as Bls12Config>::G2Config as CurveConfig>::BaseField,
    pub y: <<Config<H> as Bls12Config>::G2Config as CurveConfig>::BaseField,
    pub z: <<Config<H> as Bls12Config>::G2Config as CurveConfig>::BaseField,


§x: <<Config<H> as Bls12Config>::G2Config as CurveConfig>::BaseField

X / Z projection of the affine X

§y: <<Config<H> as Bls12Config>::G2Config as CurveConfig>::BaseField

Y / Z projection of the affine Y

§z: <<Config<H> as Bls12Config>::G2Config as CurveConfig>::BaseField

Projective multiplicative inverse. Will be 0 only at infinity.