Expand description

Macro usage

To see which fields are supported, have a look at SupportedFields


pub use imgui;



For documentation on how to use this, visit SupportedFields


Represents an agent in a combat event.

An Agent with an owned String. For more info see Agent.

This struct isn’t used anywhere. It is a reference on what fields are currently supported by the arcdps_export! macro.




Type Definitions

Provides safe abstractions for the combat event.

Called at startup of unofficial extras. Can be called before or after arcdps init func. Provides the account name and the version of the unofficial extras addon as parameters.

Provides a imgui::Ui object that is needed to draw anything. The second parameter is true whenever the player is not in character select, loading screens or forced cameras.

Gets called on load.

Provides a imgui::Ui object that is needed to draw anything.

Called per window option checkbox. Does not draw the checkbox if returned true.

This function must be exported by subscriber addons as ‘arcdps_unofficial_extras_subscriber_init’. It’s called once at startup. Can be called before or after arcdps calls mod_init.

called once per ‘window’ option checkbox, with null at the end, non-zero return disables arcdps drawing that checkbox

Gets called on unload.

Gets called for each key pressed. Returning true will allow arcdps and Gw2 to receive the key press. first parameter indicates the virtual key code (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/inputdev/virtual-key-codes) second parameter is true if the key was pressed and false when released third parameter is true if the key was down before this event occured, for example by holding it down