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aragog is a fully featured ODM and OGM library for ArangoDB using the arangors_lite driver.

The main concept is to provide behaviors allowing to map your structs with ArangoDB documents as simply an lightly as possible. Inspired by Rails’s Active Record library aragog also provides hooks and validations for your models.

The crate also provides a powerful AQL querying tool allowing complex and safe ArangoDB queries in Rust.

See the official website

Minimum rust version: 1.46 (2018 edition)

Migrations CLI

aragog provides a safe schema generation and migrations command line interface: aragog_cli.


By now the available features are:

  • Creating a database connection from a defined schema.yaml (See aragog_cli)
  • Structures can implement different behaviors:
    • Record: The structure can be written and retrieved as an ArangoDB collection document. This is the main trait for your models
    • EdgeRecord: The structure can be written and retrieved as an ArangoDB edge collection document
    • Validate: The structure can perform simple validations before being created or saved into the database.
    • Link: The structure can define relations with other models based on defined queries.
    • ForeignLink: The structure can define relations with other models based on defined foreign key.
  • Structures can also implement optional traits (disabled with the minimal_traits feature):
    • AuthorizeAction: The structure can define authorization behavior on a target record with custom Action type.
    • New: The structure can be initialized from an other type (a form for example). It allows to maintain a privacy level in the model and to use different data formats.
    • Update: The structure can be updated from an other type (a form for example). It allows to maintain a privacy level in the model and to use different data formats.
  • Different operations can return a Error error that can easily be transformed into a Http Error
  • Transactional operations

For detailed explanations on theses feature, read the book (published version)

Quick Reference

Schema and collections

In order for everything to work you need a schema.yaml file. Use aragog_cli to create migrations and generate the file.

Creating a database connection

To connect to the database and initialize a database connection you may use the following builder pattern options:

let db_connection = DatabaseConnection::builder()
    // You can specify a host and credentials with this method.
    // Otherwise, the builder will look for the env vars: `DB_HOST`, `DB_NAME`, `DB_USER` and `DB_PASSWORD`.
    .with_credentials("http://localhost:8529", "db", "user", "password")
    // You can specify a authentication mode between `Basic` and `Jwt`
    // Otherwise the default value will be used (`Basic`).
    // You can specify some operations options that will be used for every `write` operations like
    // `create`, `save` and `delete`.
    // You can specify a schema path to initialize the database connection
    // Otherwise the env var `SCHEMA_PATH` or the default value `config/db/schema.yaml` will be used.
    // If you prefer you can use your own custom schema
    // The schema wil silently apply to the database, useful only if you don't use the CLI and migrations
    // You then need to build the connection

None of these options are mandatory.


The global architecture is simple, every model you define that can be synced with the database must implement serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize and Clone. To declare a struct as a Model it must derive from aragog::Record (the collection name must be the same as the struct) or implement it.

The final model structure will be an Exact representation of the content of a ArangoDB document, so without its _key, _id and _rev. Your project should contain some models folder with every struct representation of your database documents.

The real representation of a complete document is DatabaseRecord<T> where T is your model structure.


use aragog::{Record, DatabaseConnection, DatabaseRecord, AuthMode};
use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};
use tokio;

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Record)]
pub struct User {
    pub username: String,
    pub first_name: String,
    pub last_name: String,
    pub age: usize

async fn main() {
// Database connection Setup
    let database_connection = DatabaseConnection::builder()
    // Define a document
    let mut user = User {
        username: String::from("LeRevenant1234"),
        first_name: String::from("Robert"),
        last_name: String::from("Surcouf"),
        age: 18
    // user_record is a DatabaseRecord<User>
    let mut user_record = DatabaseRecord::create(user, &database_connection).await.unwrap();
    // You can access and edit the document
    user_record.username = String::from("LeRevenant1524356");
    // And directly save it

Edge Record

You can declare Edge collection models by deriving from aragog::EdgeRecord, the structure requires two string fields: _from and _to. When deriving from EdgeRecord the struct will also automatically derive from Record so you’ll need to implement Validate as well.


#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Record)]
pub struct Dish {
    pub name: String,
    pub price: usize

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Record)]
pub struct Order {
    pub name: String,

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Record)]
pub struct PartOf { }

async fn main() {
    // Define a document
    let mut dish = DatabaseRecord::create(Dish {
        name: "Pizza".to_string(),
        price: 10,
    }, &database_connection).await.unwrap();
    let mut order = DatabaseRecord::create(Order {
        name: "Order 1".to_string(),
    }, &database_connection).await.unwrap();

    let edge = DatabaseRecord::link(&dish, &order, &database_connection, {
        PartOf { }
    assert_eq!(edge.id_from(), dish.id());
    assert_eq!(edge.id_to(), order.id());
    assert_eq!(&edge.key_from(), dish.key());
    assert_eq!(&edge.key_to(), order.key());


Aragog now supports transactional operations without API changes through the new Transaction Object.

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Record)]
pub struct Dish {
    pub name: String,
    pub price: usize

async fn main() {
    let database_connection = DatabaseConnection::builder()

    // Instantiate a new transaction
    let transaction = Transaction::new(&database_connection).await.unwrap();
    // Safely execute operations:
    let output = transaction.safe_execute(|transaction_connection| async move {
        // We use the provided `transaction_connection` instead of the classic connection
        DatabaseRecord::create(Dish {
            name: "Pizza".to_string(),
            price: 10,
        }, &transaction_connection).await?;
        DatabaseRecord::create(Dish {
            name: "Pasta".to_string(),
            price: 8,
        }, &transaction_connection).await?;
        DatabaseRecord::create(Dish {
            name: "Sandwich".to_string(),
            price: 5,
        }, &transaction_connection).await?;

    // The output allows to check the transaction state: Committed or Aborted

If an operation fails in the safe_execute block the transaction will be aborted and every operaiton cancelled.

Note: All the DatabaseRecord operation (create, save, link, etc) work as transactional, simply use the the provded transaction database_connection instead of the classic connection


You can retrieve a document from the database as simply as it gets, from the unique ArangoDB _key or from multiple conditions. The example below show different ways to retrieve records, look at each function documentation for more exhaustive exaplanations.


// User creation
let record = DatabaseRecord::create(user, &database_connection).await.unwrap();

// Find with the primary key or..
let user_record = User::find(record.key(), &database_connection).await.unwrap();
// .. Generate a query and..
let query = User::query().filter(Filter::new(Comparison::field("last_name").equals_str("Surcouf")).and(Comparison::field("age").greater_than(15)));
// get the only record (fails if no or multiple records)
let user_record = User::get(&query, &database_connection).await.unwrap().uniq().unwrap();

// Find all users with multiple conditions
let query = User::query().filter(Filter::new(Comparison::field("last_name").like("%Surc%")).and(Comparison::field("age").in_array(&[15,16,17,18])));

// This syntax is valid...
let user_records = User::get(&query, &database_connection).await.unwrap();
// ... This one too
let user_records = query.call(&database_connection).await.unwrap().get_records::<User>();

You can simplify the previous queries with some tweaks and macros:

extern crate aragog;
let database_connection = DatabaseConnection::builder().with_schema_path("tests/schema.yaml").apply_schema().build().await.unwrap();

let record = DatabaseRecord::create(user, &database_connection).await.unwrap();

// Find a user with a query
let query = User::query().filter(compare!(field "last_name").equals_str("Surcouf").and(compare!(field "age").greater_than(15)));

// get the only record (fails if no or multiple records)
let user_record = User::get(&query, &database_connection).await.unwrap().uniq().unwrap();

// Find all users with multiple conditions
let query = User::query().filter(compare!(field "last_name").like("%Surc%").and(compare!(field "age").in_array(&[15,16,17,18])));
// This syntax is valid...
let user_records :QueryResult<User> = User::get(&query, &database_connection).await.unwrap();
// ... This one too
let user_records :QueryResult<User> = query.call(&database_connection).await.unwrap();
Query Object

You can intialize a query in the following ways:

  • Query::new("CollectionName")
  • Object.query() (only works if Object implements Record)
  • query!("CollectionName")

You can customize the query with the following methods:

  • filter() you can specify AQL comparisons
  • prune() you can specify blocking AQL comparisons for traversal queries
  • sort() you can specify fields to sort with
  • limit() you can skip and limit the query results
  • distinct() you can skip duplicate documents

The order of operations will be respected in the rendered AQL query (except for distinct)

you can then call a query in the following ways:

  • query.call::<Object>(&database_connection)
  • Object::get(query, &database_connection)

Which will return a JsonQueryResult containing a Vec of serde_json::Value. JsonQueryResult can return deserialized models as DatabaseRecord by calling .get_records::<T>()


You can initialize a Filter with Filter::new(comparison)

Each comparison is a Comparison struct built via ComparisonBuilder:

// for a simple field comparison

// Explicit
// Macro
compare!(field "some_field").some_comparison("compared_value");

// for field arrays (see `ArangoDB` operators)

// Explicit
// Macro
compare!(all "some_field_array").some_comparison("compared_value");

// Explicit
// Macro
compare!(any "some_field_array").some_comparison("compared_value");

// Explicit
// Macro
compare!(none "some_field_array").some_comparison("compared_value");

All the currently implemented comparison methods are listed under ComparisonBuilder documentation page.

Filters can be defined explicitely like this:

let filter = Filter::new(Comparison::field("name").equals_str("felix"));


let filter :Filter = Comparison::field("name").equals_str("felix").into();
Traversal Querying

You can use graph features with sub-queries with different ways:

Straightforward Traversal query
  • Explicit way
let query = Query::outbound(1, 2, "edgeCollection", "User/123");
let query = Query::inbound(1, 2, "edgeCollection", "User/123");
let query = Query::any(1, 2, "edgeCollection", "User/123");
// Named graph
let query = Query::outbound_graph(1, 2, "NamedGraph", "User/123");
let query = Query::inbound_graph(1, 2, "NamedGraph", "User/123");
let query = Query::any_graph(1, 2, "NamedGraph", "User/123");
  • Implicit way from a DatabaseRecord<T>
let query = user_record.outbound_query(1, 2, "edgeCollection");
let query = user_record.inbound_query(1, 2, "edgeCollection");
// Named graph
let query = user_record.outbound_graph(1, 2, "NamedGraph");
let query = user_record.inbound_graph(1, 2, "NamedGraph");
Sub queries

Queries can be joined together through

  • Edge traversal:
let query = Query::new("User")
    .join_inbound(1, 2, false, Query::new("edgeCollection"));
  • Named Graph traversal:
let query = Query::new("User")
    .join_inbound(1, 2, true, Query::new("SomeGraph"));

It works with complex queries:

let query = Query::new("User")
    .join_inbound(1, 2, false,
            .sort("_key", None)
            .join_outbound(1, 5, true,


pub extern crate async_trait;
pub use error::Error;


Error handling

contains querying struct and functions.

Database schema construction utility, available for advanced development. For classic usage use the aragog_cli and its migration engine to generate your schema

The transaction module


Macro to simplify the Comparison construction:

Macro to simplify the Query construction:


Struct containing ArangoDB connections and information to access the database, collections and documents

Struct representing database stored documents.

Struct wrapping an edge document, with the from and to fields correctly set.

Struct defining some options for database write operations (create, update, delete)

Wrapper for serde_json::Value to be treated as a Record.


Defines which ArangoDB authentication mode will be used


The AuthorizeAction trait of the Aragog library. This traits allows provides the ability to authorize a Record to execute a custom action on an other one.

The DatabaseAccess trait of the Aragog library.

The ForeignLink trait of the Aragog library. It allows to define foreign_key relations between different models.

The Link trait of the Aragog library. It allows to define a query relation between different models.

The New trait of the Aragog library. This trait provides the possibility to initialize a Type from an other one. Its main use it to transform a Http form into a Record model instance.

The main trait of the Aragog library. Trait for structures that can be stored in Database. The trait must be implemented to be used as a record in DatabaseRecord

The Update trait of the Aragog library. This trait provides the possibility to update a Type from an other one. Its main use it to apply modifications from a Http form on a Record model instance.

The Validate trait of the Aragog library. This trait provides the possibility to validate an instance or its fields formats or logic. Its main use it to validate a new or updated Record model instance before saving it.