Crate ar_drivers

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This crate contains a simplified driver for Rokid Air (and possibly other) AR glasses. It supports getting basic sensor data and setting up the display. It only uses rusb for communication.

Example usage (in a thread, probably):

let glasses = Glasses::new().unwrap();
loop {
    match glasses.read_event().unwrap() {
        GlassesEvent::Accelerometer(data) => ...,
        GlassesEvent::Gyroscope(data) => ...,
        GlassesEvent::Magnetometer(data) => ...,
        GlassesEvent::Misc(data) => ...,

As opposed to Rokid’s own API, this is all that you get, since this is what comes out of the hardware. To get quaternions, you should probably use a lib that implements Madgwicks algorithm or a proper EKF. One good choice is the eskf crate.


The main structure representing a connected AR glasses
Container for other sensor data
Structure to hold a typical 3D sensor value (accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetomer)


Possible errors resulting from ar-drivers API calls
AR glasses sensor event, got from Glasses::read_event