
This module contains all implementations of adversaries, which determine where Packets are injected into the network.

This module contains types related to the underlying graph data structure and buffers. All of these types are wrapped by the Network struct. Access to and modification of the network is done via NodeIDs, indices into the network’s Node vector, where nodes are referenced by IDs and EdgeBuffers are referenced by pairs of from- and to-IDs.

This module contains structs and types related to packets in the AQT model, including the Packet struct itself as well as a PacketFactory and PacketPath (which is just a vector of NodeIDs determining the route the Packet should follow).

This module contains implementations of protocols, which handle how packets are forwarded and how packets are added to the network.

This module contains the Simulation struct, which holds the data for the simulation, the Recorder trait and its implementations, which “records” snapshots of the simulation, and the Threshold trait and its implementations, which determines when to stop the simulation.