Crate apple_sdk

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Interact with Apple SDKs.

Important Concepts

A developer directory is a filesystem tree holding SDKs and tools. If you have Xcode installed, this is likely /Applications/

A platform is a target OS/environment that you build applications for. These typically correspond to *.platform directories under Platforms subdirectory in the developer directory. e.g. /Applications/

An SDK holds header files, library stubs, and other files enabling you to compile applications targeting a platform for a supported version range. SDKs usually exist in an SDKs directory under a platform directory. e.g. /Applications/ or /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX12.3.sdk.

Developer Directories

Developer Directories are modeled via the DeveloperDirectory struct. This type contains functions for locating developer directories and resolving the default developer directory to use.

Apple Platforms

We model an abstract Apple platform via the Platform enum.

A directory containing an Apple platform is represented by the PlatformDirectory struct.

Apple SDKs

We model Apple SDKs using the SimpleSdk and ParsedSdk types. The latter requires the parse crate feature in order to activate support for parsing JSON and plist files.

Both these types are essentially a reference to a directory. SimpleSdk is little more than a reference to a filesystem path. However, ParsedSdk parses the SDKSettings.json or SDKSettings.plist file within the SDK and is able to obtain rich metadata about the SDK, such as the names of machine architectures it can target, which OS versions it supports targeting, and more.

Both these types implement the AppleSdk trait, which you’ll likely want to import in order to use its APIs for searching for and constructing SDKs.

SDK Searching

This crate supports searching for an appropriate SDK to use given search parameters and requirements. This functionality can be used to locate the most appropriate SDK from many available on the current system.

This functionality is exposed through the SdkSearch struct. See its documentation for more.

Common Functionality

To locate the default SDK to use, do something like this:

use apple_sdk::{SdkSearch, Platform, SimpleSdk, SdkSorting, AppleSdk};

// This search will honor the `SDKROOT` and `DEVELOPER_DIR` environment variables.
let sdks = SdkSearch::default()
    // Ideally we'd call e.g. `.deployment_target("macosx", "11.0")` to require
    // the SDK to support a specific deployment target. This requires the
    // `ParsedSdk` type, which requires the `parse` crate feature.
    .expect("failed to search for SDKs");

if let Some(sdk) = sdks.first() {
    println!("{}", sdk.sdk_path());


A directory containing Apple platforms, SDKs, and other tools.
An Apple SDK with parsed settings.
Represents an Apple Platform directory.
Represents an SDK path with metadata parsed from the path.
Search parameters for locating an Apple SDK.
Used for deserializing a SDKSettings.json file in an SDK directory.
Represents the DefaultProperties key in a SDKSettings.json file.
Represents an SDK version string.
A directory purported to hold an Apple SDK.
Represents a SupportedTargets value in a SDKSettings.json file.


Error type for this crate.
A known Apple platform type.
Describes an event during SDK discovery.
Represents a location to search for SDKs.
Sorting strategy to apply to SDK searches.


Default install path for the Xcode command line tools.
Default path to Xcode application.
Relative path under directories defining a Developer directory.


Defines common behavior for types representing Apple SDKs.


Obtain the path to SDKs within an Xcode Command Line Tools installation.
Find all system installed Xcode applications.
Attempt to resolve all available Xcode applications in an Applications directory.

Type Definitions

A callable that receives progress during an SDK search.