Crate appinsights[][src]

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Application Insights for Rust

The Application Insights for Rust provides an SDK to instrument your application with telemetry and monitor it using Azure Portal features.

Breaking change By default the crate works in async mode which relies on Tokio runtime. However there is also a blocking which intended to preserve backward compatibility whenever needed.

The following Application Insights telemetry items are supported:

Eventually all telemetry items that Application Insights supports will be implemented.


Add appinsights crate to your project

$ cargo add appinsights

Obtain Instrumentation Key by creating a new instance of Application Insights service.


  1. Create an new instance of TelemetryClient with an Instrumentation Key and default settings. To get more control over client behavior please visit TelemetryConfig.
  2. Send an event telemetry to the Application Insights service.
use appinsights::TelemetryClient;

// configure telemetry client with default settings
let client = TelemetryClient::new("<instrumentation key>".to_string());

// send event telemetry to the Application Insights server
client.track_event("Application started");

// stop the client

If you need more control over the client’s behavior, you can create a new instance of TelemetryConfig and initialize a TelemetryClient with it.

use std::time::Duration;
use appinsights::{TelemetryClient, TelemetryConfig};
use appinsights::telemetry::SeverityLevel;

// configure telemetry config with custom settings
let config = TelemetryConfig::builder()
// provide an instrumentation key for a client
    .i_key("<instrumentation key>")
    // set a new maximum time to wait until data will be sent to the server
    // construct a new instance of telemetry configuration

// configure telemetry client with default settings
let client = TelemetryClient::from_config(config);

// send trace telemetry to the Application Insights server
client.track_trace("A database error occurred", SeverityLevel::Warning);

// stop the client

Telemetry submission

A TelemetryClient has several convenient methods to submit telemetry items.

  • track_event to log user action with the event name.
  • track_trace to log a trace message with severity level.
  • track_metric to log a numeric value that is not specified with a specific event.
  • track_request to log a HTTP request with the specified method, URL, duration and response code.
  • track_remote_dependency to log a dependency with the specified name, type, target, and success status.
  • track_availability to log an availability test result with the specified test name, duration, and success status.

But they provide the very basic set of parameters telemetry types can represent. For example all telemetry items support properties and tags which not accessible via these methods. More complete versions are available through use of telemetry item struct which can be submitted through the track method.

Context tags

All telemetry items have tags field that can contain an information about telemetry such as user, session, and device information. The type of tags is ContextTags that contains convenient methods to store and and retrieve commonly used data. A TelemetryContext also have tags. These tags will be applied to all telemetry items submitted to a server. In case when some tags exists in both telemetry client context tags and telemetry item tags, later will be sent to the server.

use std::time::Duration;
use http::Method;
use appinsights::TelemetryClient;
use appinsights::telemetry::{RequestTelemetry, Telemetry};

// configure telemetry with default settings
let mut client = TelemetryClient::new("instrumentation".to_string());

// set role instance name globally. This is usually the name of the service submitting the telemetry

// set the role instance to the host name. Note that this is done automatically by the SDK

let mut telemetry = RequestTelemetry::new(

// set the account id context tag

// send telemetry to the Application Insights server

// stop the client

Common properties

All telemetry items have properties field and a TelemetryContext also have properties. These properties will be applied to all telemetry items submitted to a server. In case when some properties exists in both telemetry client properties and telemetry item properties, later will be sent to the server.

use appinsights::TelemetryClient;
use appinsights::telemetry::{RequestTelemetry, Telemetry};

// configure telemetry with default settings
let mut client = TelemetryClient::new("instrumentation".to_string());

// set custom telemetry item property globally
client.context_mut().properties_mut().insert("Resource Group".to_string(), "my-rg".to_string());

// ... send telemetry to the Application Insights server


The telemetry item submission happens asynchronously. The internal channel spawns a new worker task that accepts and sends telemetry to the server in the background. While telemetry is not sent the worker stores it in memory, so when application crashes the data will be lost. Luckily SDK provides several convenient methods to deal with this issue.

  • flush_channel will trigger telemetry submission as soon as possible. It returns immediately and telemetry is no guaranteed to be sent.
  • close_channel will cause the channel to stop accepting any new telemetry items, submit all pending ones, block current task and wait until data will be sent at most once. If telemetry submission fails, it will not retry. This method consumes the value of client so it makes impossible to use a client with close channel.
  • terminate will trigger termination of submission flow, all pending items discarded and current task will be blocked until all resources freed.


Module for Application Insights telemetry items.


Macros to generate well-known context tags.


Application Insights telemetry client provides an interface to track telemetry items.

Configuration data used to initialize a new TelemetryClient with.

Encapsulates contextual data common to all telemetry submitted through a telemetry client.