Crate apexcharts_rs

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§ApexCharts Rust

This is a Rust library for rendering ApexCharts in web applications. It provides a simple API for rendering different types of charts such as line, bar, pie, donut, and radial bar charts. The library is designed to be used with popular web frameworks such as Yew and Leptos.


By default the library provides Wasm bindings for rendering ApexCharts in web applications. To actually render the charts in a web application, you need to enable one of the following features depending on the web framework you are using:

  • yew: Enables support for rendering ApexCharts in Yew applications.
  • leptos: Enables support for rendering ApexCharts in Leptos applications.


To use this library, add the following to your Cargo.toml:

apexcharts-rs = {version="0.1", features=["yew"]}

To render a chart in a Yew application, you can use the ApexChartComponent component:

use yew::prelude::*;
use apexcharts_rs::prelude::{ApexChartComponent, ApexChartComponentProps, ChartSeries, SeriesData, ChartType};
pub fn App() -> Html {
  let series = vec![
    ChartSeries {
      name: "Series 1".to_string(),
      data: SeriesData::Single(vec![10, 20, 30, 40, 50]),
      color: "#008FFB".to_string(),
      r#type: None,
      z_index: None,
  html! {
fn main() {

The equivalent component for Leptos applications is ApexChartComponent with the leptos feature enabled.

use leptos::*;
use apexcharts_rs::prelude::{ApexChartComponent, ChartSeries, ChartType, SeriesData};
fn App() -> impl IntoView {
  let series = vec![
    ChartSeries {
      name: "Series 1".to_string(),
      data: SeriesData::Single(vec![10, 20, 30, 40, 50]),
      color: "#008FFB".to_string(),
      r#type: None,
      z_index: None,
  let (series, _) = create_signal(series);
  view! {
fn main() {

To change the type of the chart, you can set the r#type property to the desired type. The series property is used to set the data that will be rendered in the chart. The width and height properties are used to set the width and height of the chart respectively.

To further customize the chart, you can set the options property to a JSON string containing the options for the chart. Kindly refer to the ApexCharts documentation for more information on the available options.


  • Re-exports commonly used items.