Trait antlr_rust::parser::ParserNodeType[][src]

pub trait ParserNodeType<'input>: TidAble<'input> + Sized {
    type TF: TokenFactory<'input> + 'input;
    type Type: ?Sized + ParserRuleContext<'input, Ctx = Self, TF = Self::TF> + 'input;
Expand description

Workaround trait for rustc current limitations.

Basically you can consider it as if context trait for generated parser has been implemented as

trait GenratedParserContext:ParserRuleContext<Ctx=dyn GeneratedParserContext>{ ... }

which is not possible, hence this a bit ugly workaround.

Implemented by generated parser for the type that is going to carry information about parse tree node.

Associated Types

Shortcut for Type::TF

Actual type of the parse tree node
