Macro anony::tuple

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tuple!() { /* proc-macro */ }
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Create an instance of an anonymous tuple.


For 99.999999999999% of use cases, just use a normal tuple. This macro’s only advantages are that it supports pinning projection and it implements common traits for any arbitrary arities, not just limited up to 12-ary or 16-ary tuple. That’s it!


Like how an instance of a normal tuple is constructed, you can do the same with this macro:

use anony::tuple;

let x = tuple!(123, "456");

assert_eq!(x.0, 123);
assert_eq!(x.1, "456");

You can move fields one by one:

use anony::tuple;

let address = "123 St. SW".to_owned();

let o1 = tuple!("Alice".to_owned(), 28, address);

let name = o1.0;
let age = o1.1;
let address = o1.2;

assert_eq!(name, "Alice");
assert_eq!(age, 28);
assert_eq!(address, "123 St. SW");

Pinning projection (use project_ref for Pin<&_> and project_mut for Pin<&mut _>, like you use pin-project crate). They return normal tuples:

use std::pin::pin;
use std::future::Future;
use std::task::Context;
use std::task::Poll;
use anony::tuple;
use futures::task::noop_waker;

let o1 = tuple!(async {
    let s = "10011001001";

let o1 = pin!(o1);
let waker = noop_waker();
let mut cx = Context::from_waker(&waker);

// Project to the first field
assert_eq!(o1.project_mut().0.poll(&mut cx), Poll::Ready(5));

Convert to a normal tuple:

use anony::tuple;

let x = tuple!(1, 2);
let y = x.into_tuple();
assert_eq!(y, (1, 2));

§Implemented traits

This struct implements the following if all of its fields implement them: