Crate anagram[][src]

A collection of anagram utility functions


Add anagram = 0.3.0 to your Cargo.toml


use anagram::{count, get_next, is_anagram, occurences};

fn main() {
  // count how many anagrams can be formed from a given word
  let anagram_count = count("ordeals");
  assert_eq!(anagram_count, 5040);

  // count the number of occurences of an anagram in a given word
  let occur = occurences("helloworldhello", "ll");
  assert_eq!(occur, 2);

  // check if a word is an anagram of another word
  let ok = is_anagram("rustiscool", "oolcsistru");
  assert_eq!(ok, true);

  // get the next lexicographically greater anagram
  let next = get_next("abcdefg");
  assert_eq!(next, "abcdegf");

  // get all anagrams of a word
  let mut word: String = String::from("abc");
  for _ in 0..count(&word) {
    // get next anagram
    word = get_next(&word);
    println!("{}", word);



Count the number of anagrams that can be formed from a word


Get the next lexicographically greater permutation This function will return either the next greater permutation or the lexicographically smallest permutation if the given word is the lexicographically greatest permutation Examples: “abc” -> “acb” “cba” -> “abc”


Check if a word is an anagram of another word


Count the number of occurences of an anagram in a word