Module aluvm::isa[][src]

Expand description

AluVM instruction set architecture



Encoding and overflowing flags for integer numbers

Reserved instruction, which equal to ControlFlowOp::Fail.


Arithmetic instructions.

Bit operations & boolean algebra instructions

Errors encoding instructions

Operations on byte strings.

Instructions comparing register values

Control-flow instructions

Operations on Curve25519 elliptic curve

Flags for bytestring delete operation. For the detailed description please read crate::isa::BytesOp::Del.

Cryptographic hashing functions

Turing machine movement after instruction execution

Flag for bytestring operations indicating whether the string should be extended to a new length or the operation should fail (for instance, see fill operation).

Float equality flag

Flags for bytestring insert operation. For the detailed description please read crate::isa::BytesOp::Ins.

Full set of instructions

List of standardised ISA extensions.

Merge flags for operations which need to add certain bit value to the register existing value

Instructions moving and swapping register values

Non-equality flag

Errors for parsing string representation for a flag values

Instructions setting register values

Rounding flags for float numbers

Operations on Secp256k1 elliptic curve

Integer encoding flag

Flags for bytestring split operation.


Non-failiable byte encoding for the instruction set. We can’t use io since (1) we are no_std, (2) it operates data with unlimited length (while we are bound by u16), (3) it provides too many fails in situations when we can’t fail because of u16-bounding and exclusive in-memory encoding handling.

Marker trait for flag types

Trait for instructions