Crate alox_48

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alox-48 (short for aluminum oxide 48)

alox-48 is a crate using serde designed to deserialize ruby marshal data. It uses the currently nightly feature min_specialization to extend serde’s data model, preventing the loss of information in (de)serialization.

alox-48 supports both serialization and deserialization, but some types present in rust’s type system and ruby’s marshal format are unsupported.

Most notably, alox-48 does NOT support object links. Object links are marshal’s way of saving space, if an object was serialized already a “link” indicating when it was serialized is serialized instead.

class MyClass
 def initialize
   @var = 1
   @string = "hiya!"

a =
Marshal.dump([a, a, a])
# The array here has 3 indices all "pointing" to the same object.
# Instead of serializing MyClass 3 times, Marshal will serialize it once and replace the other 2 occurences with object links.
# When deserializing, Marshal will preserve object links and all 3 elements in the array will point to the same object.
# In alox-48, this is not the case. Each index will be a "unique" ""object"".

This does not map well to rust, as it inherently requires a garbage collector. alox-48 will still deserialize object links, however it will simply deserialize them as a copy instead.



  • Deserialization via marshal.
  • Marshal serialization.
  • Untyped ruby values and rust equivalents of some ruby types (Hash, Array, etc).
