Crate aliri_oauth2

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JWT authorization based on validating OAuth2 scopes

This module uses the definition of OAuth2 as defined in RFC 6749.

Feature flags

When using this crate and the reqwest feature to enable automatic background refreshing of JWKS, this crate does not automatically enable TLS support in reqwest itself. If your application already uses reqwest with some TLS settings (native/OpenSSL/rustls), then this crate will use those settings automatically. However, if the only reason you are using reqwest is transitively through this crate, you may need to enable the default-tls or rustls-tls feature to enable support for calling out to an HTTPS endpoint.


pub use oauth2::Scope;




Construct a policy from a list of scope alternatives.
Construct a scope from a list of tokens.


An authority backed by a potentially dynamic JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) held by a remote source
Indicates the requester held insufficient scope to be granted access to a controlled resource
An access policy based on OAuth2 scopes


Indicates the requester held insufficient scopes to be granted access to a controlled resource