Crate aliri

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This crate implements the Javascript/JSON Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE) standards, including:

JSON Web Encryption (JWE), RFC7516, is not yet supported.


use aliri_base64::Base64UrlRef;
use aliri::{jwa, jwk, jws, jwt, jwt::CoreHeaders, Jwk, JwtRef};
use regex::Regex;
use aliri::jwt::HasAlgorithm;

let token = JwtRef::from_str(concat!(

let secret = Base64UrlRef::from_slice(b"test").to_owned();
let key = Jwk::from(jwa::Hmac::new(secret))
    .with_key_id(jwk::KeyId::from_static("test key"));

let mut keys = aliri::Jwks::default();

let validator = jwt::CoreValidator::default()

let decomposed: jwt::Decomposed = token.decompose().unwrap();
let key_ref = keys.get_key_by_id(decomposed.kid().unwrap(), decomposed.alg()).unwrap();

let data: jwt::Validated = token.verify(key_ref, &validator)
    .expect("JWT was invalid");

Inspect this token at and verify with the shared secret test.


Common errors
Implementations of the JSON Web Algorithms (JWA) standard
Implementations of the JSON Web Keys (JWK) standard
Implementations of the JSON Web Signature (JWS) standard
Implementations of the JSON Web Tokens (JWT) standard


An identified JSON Web Key
A JSON Web Key Set (JWKS)
A JSON Web Token
A borrowed reference to a JSON Web Token (Jwt)