[−][src]Crate alexa_sdk
Alexa SDK
implements stucts corresponding to the Alexa JSON specification
along with helper functions for common uses of the Request
and Response
Simplest possible Alexa "Hello, World" skill:
extern crate lambda_runtime as lambda; extern crate alexa_sdk; use lambda::{lambda, Context, error::HandlerError}; use alexa_sdk::{Request,Response}; use std::error::Error; fn my_handler(_req: Request, _ctx: Context) -> Result<Response,HandlerError> { Ok(Response::simple("hello", "hello world")) } fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> { lambda!(my_handler); Ok(()) }
A more complete skill, handling multiple locales and a slot:
extern crate lambda_runtime as lambda; extern crate alexa_sdk; use lambda::{lambda, Context, error::HandlerError}; use alexa_sdk::{Request,Response}; use alexa_sdk::request::{IntentType, Locale}; use std::error::Error; fn handle_help(_req: &Request) -> Result<Response,HandlerError> { Ok(Response::simple("hello", "to say hello, tell me: say hello to someone")) } fn handle_hello(req: &Request) -> Result<Response,HandlerError> { let res = match req.locale() { Locale::AustralianEnglish => Response::simple("hello", "G'day mate"), Locale::German => Response::simple("hello", "Hallo Welt"), Locale::Japanese => Response::simple("hello", "こんにちは世界"), _ => if let Some(ref s) = req.slot_value("name") { Response::simple("hello", (String::from("hello ") + s).as_str()) } else { Response::simple("hello", "hello world") }, }; Ok(res) } fn handle_cancel(_req: &Request) -> Result<Response,HandlerError> { Ok(Response::end()) } fn my_handler(req: Request, _ctx: Context) -> Result<Response,HandlerError> { match req.intent() { IntentType::Help => handle_help(&req), IntentType::User(_) => handle_hello(&req), _ => handle_cancel (&req) } } fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> { lambda!(my_handler); Ok(()) }
pub use self::request::Request; |
pub use self::response::Response; |
request | |
response |