Trait alcibiades::MoveGenerator [] [src]

pub trait MoveGenerator: Clone + SetOption + Send + 'static {
    type Evaluator: Evaluator;
    fn from_board(board: Board) -> Result<Self, IllegalBoard>;
    fn board(&self) -> &Board;
    fn hash(&self) -> u64;
    fn attacks_to(&self, square: Square) -> Bitboard;
    fn is_check(&self) -> bool;
    fn generate_all<T: AddMove>(&self, moves: &mut T);
    fn generate_forcing<T: AddMove>(&self, generate_checks: bool, moves: &mut T);
    fn null_move(&self) -> Move;
    fn try_move_digest(&self, move_digest: MoveDigest) -> Option<Move>;
    fn do_move(&mut self, m: Move) -> Option<u64>;
    fn undo_move(&mut self, m: Move);
    fn evaluator(&self) -> &Self::Evaluator;

    fn evaluate_move(&self, m: Move) -> Value { ... }

A trait for move generators.

A MoveGenerator holds a chess position and can:

  • Calculate Zobrist hashes.

  • Find which pieces and pawns attack a given square.

  • Find if the side to move is in check.

  • Generate all legal moves, or a subset of all legal moves in the current position.

  • Generate a null move.

  • Verify if a random move digest represents a proper move.

  • Play a selected move and take it back.

  • Provide a static evaluator bound to the current position.

  • Perform static exchange evaluation for the generated moves.

Important note: MoveGenerator is unaware of repeating positions and rule-50.

Associated Types

The type of static evaluator that the implementation works with.

Required Methods

Creates a new instance, consuming the supplied Board instance.

Returns Err(IllegalBoard) if the position is illegal.

Returns a reference to the underlying Board instance.

Returns the Zobrist hash value for the underlying Board instance.

Zobrist hashing is a technique to transform a board position into a number of a fixed length, with an equal distribution over all possible numbers, invented by Albert Zobrist. The key property of this method is that two similar positions generate entirely different hash numbers.

Important note: This method will be relatively slow if the implementation calculates the hash value "from scratch". Inspect the implementation before using hash in time-critical paths. (See do_move.)

Returns a bitboard with all pieces and pawns that attack a given square.

Returns if the side to move is in check.

Generates all legal moves, possibly including some pseudo-legal moves too.

The moves are added to moves. All generated moves with pieces other than the king will be legal. Some of the generated king's moves may be illegal because the destination square is under attack. This arrangement has two important advantages:

  • do_move can do its work without knowing the set of checkers and pinned pieces, so there is no need to keep those around.

  • A beta cut-off may make the verification that king's destination square is not under attack unnecessary, thus saving time.

The initial move score for the generated moves is unspecified.

Note: A pseudo-legal move is a move that is otherwise legal, except it might leave the king in check.

Generates moves for the quiescence search.

The moves are added to moves. This method always generates a subset of the moves generated by generate_all:

  • If the king is in check, all legal moves are included.

  • Captures and pawn promotions to queen are always included.

  • If generate_checks is true, moves that give check are included too. Discovered checks and checks given by castling can be omitted for speed.

Returns a null move.

"Null move" is a pseudo-move that changes only the side to move. It is sometimes useful to include a speculative null move in the search tree so as to achieve more aggressive pruning. Null moves are represented as king's moves for which the origin and destination squares are the same.

Verifies if the supplied move digest represents a proper move.

If a move m exists that would be generated by generate_all if called for the current position on the board, and for that move m.digest() equals the supplied move digest, this method will return Some(m). Otherwise it will return None. This is useful when playing moves from the transposition table, without calling generate_all.

Plays a move on the board.

It the move leaves the king in check, None is returned without updating the board. Otherwise, the board is updated and an u64 value is returned, which should be XOR-ed with board's old Zobrist hash value to obtain board's new Zobrist hash value. The move passed to this method must have been generated by generate_all, generate_forcing, try_move_digest, or null_move methods for the current position on the board.

Takes back last played move.

The move passed to this method must be the last move passed to do_move.

Returns a reference to a static evaluator bound to the current position.

Provided Methods

Returns the likely evaluation change (material) to be lost or gained as a result of a given move.

This method performs static exchange evaluation (SEE). It examines the consequence of a series of exchanges on the destination square after a given move. A positive returned value indicates a "winning" move. For example, "PxQ" will always be a win, since the pawn side can choose to stop the exchange after its pawn is recaptured, and still be ahead. SEE is just an evaluation calculated without actually trying moves on the board, and therefore the returned value might be incorrect.

The move passed to this method must have been generated by generate_all, generate_forcing, try_move_digest, or null_move methods for the current position on the board.
