akd_core 0.8.5

Core utilities for the auditable-key-directory suite of crates (akd and akd_client)
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An implementation of an auditable key directory (also known as a verifiable registry).

Auditable key directories can be used to help provide key transparency for end-to-end encrypted messaging.

This implementation is based off of the protocol described in SEEMless: Secure End-to-End Encrypted Messaging with less trust.

This library provides a stateless API for an auditable key directory, meaning that a consumer of this library must provide their own solution for the storage of the entries of the directory.

⚠️ Warning: This implementation has not been audited and is not ready for a production application. Use at your own risk!


The API can be found here along with an example for usage.


Add the following line to the dependencies of your Cargo.toml:

akd = "0.8"

Minimum Supported Rust Version

Rust 1.51 or higher.


The original authors of this code are Jasleen Malvai (@jasleen1), Kevin Lewi (@kevinlewi), and Sean Lawlor (@slawlor). To learn more about contributing to this project, see this document.


This project is licensed under either Apache 2.0 or MIT, at your option.