Module airbag::middleware

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Airbag supports installing Middleware implementors on backends to allow processing alerts before they are being sent.

Installing a middleware is done using the [install] method.

For example: this will install a PagerDuty backend that will prefix all alert titles with "Prefix: ":

use airbag::prelude::*;

  airbag::backends::PagerDuty::builder().token("PD token").build()
).with_middleware(airbag::middleware::TitlePrefix::new("Prefix: "));

Most use cases should probably opt for the [Backend::map] method, which allows wrapping backends in middleware that processes alerts via callbacks. For example, here is a use case that adds a constant field to all alerts

use airbag::prelude::*;

  airbag::backends::PagerDuty::builder().token("PD token").build()
     |alert| alert.with_field_if_missing("my_label", "some_value")


  • Prefixes dedup keys with a specific string. This is useful in case you have multiple instances of a specific app and you want the dedup keys from one instance to not interfere with dedup keys of another
  • Prefixes alert titles with a specific string. This is useful in cases where you want alert titles to easily convey instance or context information
