Crate agpm

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This is an executable complete implementation of an amisgitpm project manager. It uses the pieces from:

It admits the following commands

Usage: agpm <COMMAND>

installInstall a new git repo. It installs from URLs of two kinds
updateUpdate project(s)
update-suggestionsUpdate the suggestions, downloading all of them, and substituting those already present
uninstallUninstall a project
restoreGet the last version of the project
reinstallUninstall then install a project
rebuildRun the build instructions of a project
cleanRemove all srcs with no project associated
editEdit the configuration of a project
listShow the list of installed applications and their version
bootstrapInstall amisgitpm with amisgitpm, check that everything is in place
helpPrint this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-h, –helpPrint help information
-V, –versionPrint version information

A good way to interact with this package manager programatically is to use the types provided in the library part of this crate


This module deals with the arguments for amisgitpm.
A module with all the important traits that will be needed to use the above public types


An implementor for the Directories trait
agpm’s Project structure. It has one extra field. The update_policy stores information that determines behavior when interactively trying to update.


What to do when updating a project

Type Definitions

The interactor thats used coordinating the Interactor and the Dirs structures.
The manager thats created from the Project, the Dirs structure and the ProjectStore and Interacts types
The store thats created using the Store, Project, and the Dirs` structures