Crate afire[][src]

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πŸ”₯ afire

A blazing fast web framework for Rust

πŸ’  Install

Just add the following to your Cargo.toml:

afire = "0.1.3"

πŸ“„ Info

This is kinda like express.js for rust. It is not that complicated but it still makes development of apis / servers much easier. It supports Middleware and comes with some built in for Logging and Rate limiting.

For more information on this lib check the docs here

πŸ’₯ Examples

Make a simple server:

// Import Lib
use afire::*;

// Create Server
let mut server: Server = Server::new("localhost", 8080);

// Add a route
server.route(Method::GET, "/", |_req| {
        "Hello World",
        vec![Header::new("Content-Type", "text/plain")],

// Start the server
// This is blocking

You can add as many routes as you want. The most recently defined route will always take priority. So you can make a 404 page like this:

// Import Library
use afire::{Server, Response, Header, Method};

// Create Server
let mut server: Server = Server::new("localhost", 8080);

// Define 404 page
// Because this is defined first, it will take a low priority
server.all(|req| {
        "The page you are looking for does not exist :/",
        vec![Header::new("Content-Type", "text/plain")],

// Define a route
// As this is defined last, it will take a high priority
server.route(Method::GET, "/hello", |req| {
        "Hello World!",
        vec![Header::new("Content-Type", "text/plain")],

// Starts the server
// This is blocking

πŸ“¦ Middleware

afire comes with some builtin extensions in the form of middleware.

β€’ ⛓️ Rate-limit

This will use the client ip to limit the amount of requests that will be processed. You can configure the request limit and the reset period.

// Import Stuff
use afire::{Server, RateLimiter};

// Make server
let mut server: Server = Server::new("localhost", 8080);

// Enable Rate Limiting
// This will limit the requests per ip to 5 every 10 sec
RateLimiter::attach(&mut server, 5, 10);

β€’ πŸ“œ Logger

This will log all requests to a file or stdout or bolth. You can pick a log level that will determine if headers and body will be logged.

// Import Stuff
use afire::{Server, Logger, Level};

// Make server again
let mut server: Server = Server::new("localhost", 8080);

// Enable Logger
// Level::Debug has headers and body
// Level::Info does not
    &mut server,
    Logger::new(Level::Debug, Some("log.log"), true),


Http header


Struct for holding query data

Limit the amount of requests handled by the server.

Http Request

Http Response

Defines a route.

Defines a server.


Define Log Levels

Methods for a request