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//! Logger for Azure Function Custom Handler,
//! abusing the undocumented (at least I don't know where) rule of Azure Function
//! "infering" the log level from stderr.
//! For custom handler, if you print a message to stdout, it will be considered as a `Information`
//! level log by Azure Function runtime.
//! If you print a message to stderr, then it will be consider `Error` if it does not contain `warn` (case insensitive),
//! otherwise it will be `Warning`.
//! So the strategy is, for error-level log, if `warn` occurs, base64-encode it, if the encoded string still contains `warn`,
//! base-encode again, and if the twice-encoded string still contains `warn` (which should be impossible), log an error explain that the
//! following warning is error, then log it as a warning. For warning-level log, if `warn` does not occur, add a `warning:` prefix.
//! You can initialize the log by [init]. You can also implement your own transform logic by implementing
//! [Transform] trait and passing it to [init_transform].
const WARN: [char; 4] = ['w', 'a', 'r', 'n'];
pub trait Transform {
/// Transform the error log message that contains `warn` (case insensitive).
fn transform_error(&self, msg: String) -> String;
/// Transform the warning log message that does not contain `warn` (case insensitive).
fn transform_warning(&self, msg: String) -> String;
struct Logger<T>(T);
impl<T: Transform + Send + Sync> log::Log for Logger<T> {
fn enabled(&self, m: &log::Metadata) -> bool {
m.level() <= log::Level::Info
fn log(&self, record: &log::Record) {
match record.level() {
log::Level::Error => {
let mut log = record.args().to_string();
if contains_warn(&log) {
log = self.0.transform_error(log);
eprintln!("{}", log);
log::Level::Warn => {
let mut log = record.args().to_string();
if !contains_warn(&log) {
log = self.0.transform_warning(log);
eprintln!("{}", log);
log::Level::Info => println!("{}", record.args()),
_ => {}
fn flush(&self) {}
/// Returns true if the message contains `warn` (case insensitive).
pub fn contains_warn(s: &str) -> bool {
let mut warn_ptr = 0;
for ch in s.chars() {
if ch.eq_ignore_ascii_case(&WARN[warn_ptr]) {
if warn_ptr == 3 {
return true
warn_ptr += 1;
} else {
warn_ptr = 0;
pub struct DefaultTransform;
impl Transform for DefaultTransform {
fn transform_error(&self, msg: String) -> String {
let mut transformed = base64::encode(&msg);
if !contains_warn(&transformed) {
"base64-encoded log: ".to_string() + &transformed
} else {
transformed = base64::encode(transformed);
if !contains_warn(&transformed) {
"base64-encoded-twice log: ".to_string() + &transformed
} else {
// Should be impossible.
"The following error log has to be logged as Warning: \n".to_string() + &msg
fn transform_warning(&self, msg: String) -> String {
"warning: ".to_string() + &msg
pub fn init() {
pub fn init_transform<T: Transform + 'static + Send + Sync>(transform: T) {
.expect("Failed to initialize logger");
mod tests {
use crate::contains_warn;
fn test_no_warn() {
fn has_warn() {
fn differnt_case_warn() {
fn suffix_warn() {
fn split_warn() {