Crate advanced_pid

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An advanced PID control library implemented in Rust.

This library provides an interface for PID controllers and several implementations. It supports various types of PID controls and allows for customization of PID gains and limits. It is designed to be no_std compatible, but can also be used with std.


  • Standard (Positional) PID Control (pid module)
  • Velocity form PID Control (vel_pid module)
  • PI-D Control where the Derivative action is based on the Process Variable (PV) (pi_d module)
  • I-PD Control where both Proportional and Derivative actions are based on the Process Variable (PV) (i_pd module)
  • Customizable PID gains and limits (config module)


To use, implement the PidController trait for your controller. The trait provides a new method for creating a new controller, an update method for updating the controller, and a reset_config method for resetting the controller’s configuration.


To install, run the following Cargo command in your project directory:

cargo add advanced-pid

Or add the following to your Cargo.toml:

advanced-pid = "0.2.2"

§No-std support

This library is designed to be no_std compatible. To use this library in a no_std environment, disable the default features in your Cargo.toml:

advanced-pid = { version = "0.2.2", default-features = false }

§Floating point precision

This library allows switching between f32 and f64 floating point types through feature flags. By default, f32 precision is used. To use f64 precision, enable the f64 feature in your Cargo.toml:

advanced-pid = { version = "0.2.2", features = ["f64"] }


use advanced_pid::{prelude::*, Pid, PidGain};

let target = 1.0;
let actual = 0.0;
let dt = 1.0;

let gain = PidGain {
    kp: 1.0,
    ki: 0.3,
    kd: 0.1,
let mut pid = Pid::new(gain.into());
println!("{}", pid.update(target, actual, dt));

For more examples, see the examples.


  • pub use crate::i_pd::Ipd;
  • pub use crate::pi_d::PiD;
  • pub use crate::pid::Pid;
  • pub use crate::vel_pid::VelPid;


  • The config module provides structures for configuring a PID controller.
  • The i_pd module provides a PID controller where the proportional action is based on the process variable (PV).
  • The pi_d module provides a PID controller where the derivative action is based on the process variable (PV).
  • The pid module provides a standard (position form) PID controller.
  • The prelude module provides a prelude for the advanced_pid crate.
  • The vel_pid module provides a velocity form PID controller.


  • PidController is a trait that provides a standard interface for PID controllers.

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