[][src]Crate adafruit_gps


This is a port from the adafruit python code that reads the output from their GPS systems.

Python code: https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_CircuitPython_GPS GPS module docs: https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-ultimate-gps/

Hardware specs

Please read the docs for the specific GPS module you are using. Update rate: 1Hz or 10Hz outputs.


Outputs are split between two types: position data and satellite data. UTC - The UTC time as a f64 Latitude - As degrees Longitude - As degrees Altitude - Altitude above Mean Sea Level in metres. True Course - Measured heading, degrees Magnetic Course - Measured heading by magnatic north, degrees Speed (knots) Speed (kph) Geoidal Separation - Difference between WGS-84 earth ellipsoid and mean sea level, basically altitude. Age Diff Corr - Age in seconds since last update from reference station. PDOP - Position DOP HDOP - Horizontal DOP VDOP - Vertical DOP Satellites - As a Vec ID - Satellite id number, 1-32 and 193-195 for QZSS. Elevation - Elevation of the satellite in degrees Azimuth - The degrees from north the satellite is, if it was on the ground. SNR - Signal to Noise ratio: Signal / Noise , 0-99, null if not tracking.

Note: DOP is dilution of precision, a measure of error based on the position of the satellites.

More info on the GPS module at https://cdn-shop.adafruit.com/datasheets/PMTK_A11.pdf

QZSS satellites are 4 japanese satellites used in Asia-Oceania regions.


pub use crate::nmea::nmea as Nmea;
pub use crate::PMTK::send_pmtk;



pmtk commands are ways of setting the gps.


NMEA is the sentence format for receiving data from a GPS. There are 5 output formats: GGA -> Time, position and fix type GSA -> GNSS receiver operating mode: active satellite numbers, PDOP, VDOP, HDOP GSV -> GNSS satellites in view, elevation, azimuth, SNR values RMC -> Time, date, position, course, speed VTG -> Course and speed info relative to the ground. GLL -> Lat, Long.