Expand description

ad9361: Bindings to the AD9361 part of the Analog Devices Inc. no-OS library.


use ad9361_rs::{Ad9361, Ad9361InitParam};
use embedded_hal::blocking::spi::Transfer;
use embedded_hal::digital::v2::OutputPin;
use embedded_hal::blocking::delay::{DelayMs, DelayUs};

fn example(spi: impl Transfer<u8>,
           delay: impl DelayMs<u32> + DelayUs<u32>,
           reset_n: impl OutputPin)
    let parameters: Ad9361InitParam = Default::default();
    let heap = Vec::with_capacity(540);

    let mut ad9361 = Ad9361::new(spi, delay, Some(reset_n), heap); // ad9361 must not be moved after this point

    let _temperature = ad9361.get_temperature().unwrap();


To use the crate in a no-std enviroment, specify default-features = false in Cargo.toml. You will then need to specify one of the supported device features.

  • ad9361_device
  • ad9364_device
  • ad9363a_device
ad9361-rs = { default-features = false, features = ["ad9364_device"] }

The build process for this crate requires a C compiler. When cross-compiling, you will need to make sure you have a suitable compiler installed. If necessary the cc crate supports external configuration via enviroment variables


An AD9361 RF PHY

Parameters used to configure the AD9361 RF PHY

Parameters used to configure the Rx FIR filter

Parameters used to configure the Tx FIR filter


Built-In Self Test (BIST) mode

Enable State Machine (ENSM) state.

Internal / External LO selection

Tx Local Oscillator power down

Loopback mode. When enabled, loopback (AD9361 internal) TX->RX

RF Gain Control Mode

RX RF Port Selection

TX RF Port Selection