Module actix_web_security::authentication[][src]

The authentication module provides all authentication related functionality. This consists of the actix middleware, authentication providers and default implementations for OAuth2 and Basic authentication.



The credentials extraction and authentication can be limited to specific endpoints or applied to all endpoints. A EndpointMatcher must be instantiated. There are two default implementations available: AllEndpointsMatcher to protect all endpoints and SpecificUrlsMatcher to protect the URS with the exact matching URLs. Custom ones can be implemented if the defaults are not applicable for the use-case.


The error module provides error types and error handling functionality.


The middleware module provides the http authentication middleware and authentication service.


The scheme module provides functionality to extract header values and authentication scheme related implementations for Basic authentication and JWT based OAuth2 authentication.



A provider manager can be used to register one or more authentication providers to be executed in a chain (until the authentication on a provider succeeds or fails on all providers). A provider manager is registered in the middleware to execute the authentication process.