Crate active_standby[][src]

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A library for high concurrency reads.

This library is named after the 2 (identical) tables that are held internally:

  • Active - this is the table that all Readers view. This table will never be write locked, so readers never face contention.
  • Standby - this is the table that the Writer mutates. A writer should face minimal contention retrieving this table since Readers move to the Active table whenever calling .read(), so the only contention is long lived ReadGuards.

The cost of minimizing contention is:

  1. Memory - Internally there are 2 copies of the underlying type the user created. This is needed to allow there to always be a table that Readers can access out without contention.
  2. CPU - The writer must apply all updates twice, once to each table. Lock contention for the writer should be less than with a plain RwLock due to Readers using the active_table, so it’s possible that write times themselves will drop.

The usage is meant to be similar to a RwLock. Some of the inspiration came from the left_right crate, so feel free to check that out. The main differences focus on trying to simplify the client (creating data structures) and user (using data structures) experiences. Because there are 2 tables which need to be updated, the user does not simply grab a writer and mutate the table directly. Rather, users provider update functions (UpdateTables trait) and the crate handles replaying these updates on both tables. There are 2 ways to interact with active_standby data structure:

  1. Raw usage of AsLock<T>. This provides the update_tables interface to a user, which takes an update function (or object implementing UpdateTables) to update both of the tables.
  2. Generating a client which will wrap the update_tables interface. This provides the user with an interface which imitates a regular RwLockWriteGuard (see the collections module).

There are 2 flavors of this algorithm that we offer:

  1. Lockless - this variant trades off increased performance against changing the API to be less like a RwLock. This avoids the cost of performing synchronization on reads, but this requires that each thread/task that is going to access the tables register in advance. Therefore this centers around the AsLockHandle, which is conceptually similar to Arc<RwLock> (meaning a separate AsLockHandle per thread/task).
  2. Shared - this centers around using an AsLock, which is meant to feel like a RwLock. These structs can be shared between threads by cloning & sending an Arc<AsLock> (like with RwLock). The main difference is that instead of using AsLock<Vec<T>>, you would use (e.g.) vec::shared::AsLock<T>. This is because both tables must be updated, meaning users can’t just dereference and mutate the underlying table, and so we provide a wrapper class.

An example of where the shared variant can be preferable is a Tonic service. There you don’t spawn a set of tasks/threads where you can pass each of them a lockless::AsLockHandle. You can use a shared::AsLock though.

We provide 2 modules:

  1. primitives - The components used to build data structures in the active_standby model. Clients usually don’t need to utilize the primitives and can instead either utilize the pre-made collections, or generate the wrapper for their struct using one of the macros and then just implement the mutable API for the generated WriteGuard.
  2. collections - Shared and lockless active_standby structs for common collections. Each table type has its own AsLock (shared) / AsLockHandle (lockless), as opposed to RwLock where you simply pass in the table. This is because users can’t simply gain write access to the underlying table and then mutate it. Instead mutations are done through UpdateTables so that both tables will be updated.

Example creating a wrapper class like in collections:

use std::thread::sleep;
use std::time::Duration;
use std::sync::Arc;
use active_standby::primitives::UpdateTables;

// Client's should implement the mutable interface that they want to offer users
// of their active standby data structure. This is not automatically generated.
struct AddOne {}
impl<'a> UpdateTables<'a, i32, ()> for AddOne {
    fn apply_first(&mut self, table: &'a mut i32) {
        *table = *table + 1;
    fn apply_second(mut self, table: &mut i32) {

pub mod lockless {

    impl<'w> WriteGuard<'w> {
        pub fn add_one(&mut self) {
            self.guard.update_tables(super::AddOne {})

pub mod shared {

    impl<'w> WriteGuard<'w> {
        pub fn add_one(&mut self) {
            self.guard.update_tables(super::AddOne {})

fn run_lockless() {
    let table = lockless::AsLockHandle::new(0);
    let table2 = table.clone();
    let handle = std::thread::spawn(move || {
        while * != 1 {

        let mut wg = table.write().unwrap();

fn run_shared() {
    let table = Arc::new(shared::AsLock::new(0));
    let table2 = Arc::clone(&table);
    let handle = std::thread::spawn(move || {
        while * != 1 {

        let mut wg = table.write().unwrap();

fn main() {

If your table has large elements, you may want to save memory by only holding each element once (e.g. vec::AsLockHandle<Arc<i32>>). This can be done safely so long as no elements of the table are mutated, only inserted and removed. Using a vector as an example, if you wanted a function that increases the value of the first element by 1, you would not increment the value behind the Arc. You would reassign the first element to a new Arc with the incremented value.

Example of large elements, using the raw update_tables interface (see UpdateTables trait):

use std::sync::Arc;
use active_standby::primitives::UpdateTables;
use active_standby::primitives::shared::AsLock;

struct UpdateVal {
    index: usize,
    val: Arc<i32>
impl<'a> UpdateTables<'a, Vec<Arc<i32>>, ()> for UpdateVal {
    // Mutate the tables, not the values they point to.
    fn apply_first(&mut self, table: &'a mut Vec<Arc<i32>>) {
        table[self.index] = Arc::clone(&self.val);
    fn apply_second(mut self, table: &mut Vec<Arc<i32>>) {
        table[self.index] = self.val;

fn main() {
    let table = AsLock::<Vec<Arc<i32>>>::default();
        |table| table.push(Arc::new(1))
    table.write().unwrap().update_tables(UpdateVal {
        index: 0,
        val: Arc::new(2)
    assert_eq!(*, vec![Arc::new(2)]);


There are a number of tests that come with active_standby (see tests/ for examples):




LLVM Sanitizers




Shared and lockless active_standby structs for common collections. The data structures within should allow for the user to interact with these as if they were using an RwLock.

The components used to build data structures in the active_standby model. Users should usually don’t need to utilize the primitives and can instead either utilize the pre-made collections, or generate the wrapper for their struct using one of the macros and then just implement the mutations for the generated WriteGuard (see collections for examples).


These macros automatically generates an easy to use interface for interacting with an ActiveStandby data structure. Note that this is done for each underlying table, as opposed to an RwLock which is generic over all underlying types.

Generates a shared::AsLock for the type passed in.