Expand description
Streaming async HTTP 1.1 parser.
At its core HTTP is a stateful RPC protocol, where a client and server communicate with one another by encoding and decoding messages between them.
encodes HTTP requests, and decodes HTTP responses.server
decodes HTTP requests, and encodes HTTP responses.
A client always starts the HTTP connection. The lifetime of an HTTP connection looks like this:
1. encode 2. decode
\ /
-> request ->
client server
<- response <-
/ \
4. decode 3. encode
See also async-tls
HTTP client
use async_std::net::TcpStream;
use http_types::{Method, Request, Url};
async fn main() -> http_types::Result<()> {
let stream = TcpStream::connect("").await?;
let peer_addr = stream.peer_addr()?;
println!("connecting to {}", peer_addr);
let url = Url::parse(&format!("http://{}/foo", peer_addr))?;
let req = Request::new(Method::Get, url);
let res = async_h1::connect(stream.clone(), req).await?;
println!("{:?}", res);
HTTP Server
use async_std::net::{TcpStream, TcpListener};
use async_std::prelude::*;
use async_std::task;
use http_types::{Response, StatusCode};
async fn main() -> http_types::Result<()> {
// Open up a TCP connection and create a URL.
let listener = TcpListener::bind(("", 8080)).await?;
let addr = format!("http://{}", listener.local_addr()?);
println!("listening on {}", addr);
// For each incoming TCP connection, spawn a task and call `accept`.
let mut incoming = listener.incoming();
while let Some(stream) = incoming.next().await {
let stream = stream?;
task::spawn(async {
if let Err(err) = accept(stream).await {
eprintln!("{}", err);
// Take a TCP stream, and convert it into sequential HTTP request / response pairs.
async fn accept(stream: TcpStream) -> http_types::Result<()> {
println!("starting new connection from {}", stream.peer_addr()?);
async_h1::accept(stream.clone(), |_req| async move {
let mut res = Response::new(StatusCode::Ok);
res.insert_header("Content-Type", "text/plain");
pub use client::connect;
pub use server::ServerOptions;
- read_
to_ end - like ready! but early-returns the Poll<Result
> early in all situations other than Ready(Ok(0))